Chapter 11 : Angel

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"Esha, we are going out tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. That's what you planned. But, I really don't want to go out. Can't we just relax at home, Abhi?"

"No, my lazy princess. You need to move your lazy ass and go out with me tomorrow. That's final."

"Ah- I don't want to go out, I want to chill at home."


"Ah-okay, okay. I'll try to not be a lazy sloth for you."

"Its our first date, Esha. I want to make it special for both of us."

I smiled hearing his words and remembering that it was our first date and I was sure that even he was smiling due to the new emotions building up in us.

"Abhi, should I call Sana over for getting me ready?"

"No, don't drag her into our things. And she is busy tomorrow. I'll do your makeup, don't worry."

"Okay, my boyfriend is an all-rounder. I forgot about that. Let's see your makeup skills tomorrow then."

"I'll prove it to you baby that I'm more than a boyfriend material, more like a husband material. And-"

I already felt myself heating up as he uttered those words.

"A-and what?"

Chuckling in his famous husky voice, he spoke, "I'm better at many other things too, princess."

I blinked multiple times until his words loaded in my pea-sized brain totally. His shameless self had already taken over his innocent self. Now, he would just keep on teasing me to the last extent knowing I can't keep up and play along with him.

"Abhi!" I shouted seeing no way to come out of his sweet trap.

"Ah-okay! Not so soon, princess. I won't talk about it now. I just want you to have the best time of your life with me."


I was busy choosing my dresses when a sudden knock landed on the door of my room. As soon as I opened it, I was engulfed in a manly, warm hug by Abhi.

Coming inside my room, Abhi was shocked as hell.

"Is this a room or the hell itself, Esha? What have you done to your entire room? Did a cyclone just now happen to pass by your room?"

His eyes were almost coming out of his eye sockets seeing the condition of my room. Being a clean freak, Abhi always kept everything clean, tidy & in order. But I was the complete opposite. Except my study table, everything was disarranged as hell. Clothes piled up in the almirah were all in the ground when I opened it. And I was unable to decide what to wear for today. So, I just carelessly threw my clothes here and there. That was the situation of my room when he entered.

He shifted his gaze towards me to get a fitting reply to his questions and gave me a questionable look.

"I-I was finding a peoper dress for myself. I was taking a nap and I woke up late, so I was trying to hurry up and ended up into this."

"Esha, the condition is horrible. You get it, right? Cleanliness is a golden rule of life. You must keep everything organized in order to find out your things later. Okay, now come here. Don't pout like that. I will choose a dress for you."

I kept standing in my place as Abhi was choosing my dress.

"Traditional or western, Esha?"

"Traditional, I guess?"

"Okay. Wear this one, then. You like it?"

"Hm. This is one of my favourite dresses."

"Okay, go and change. I'm waiting here."

"Abhi, how am I looking? Argh-my dupatta keeps falling off my shoulder." I said as I came and stood before him.

I found him looking at me from head to toe as he spoke, "Breathtaking as always, baby. Disneyland perhaps forgot to add you in the list of their princesses."

"Ah-don't start with your cheesy pickup lines again, Abhi." I said while blushing.

"Nah, Esha you don't know how graceful you look in this attire. Ah- come baby, let me fix your dupatta."

My eyes made their way to the mirror as I saw him fixing the dupatta for me. At that moment, everything felt so magical that I couldn't help but smile brightly.

"This man, gosh, never failed to make me feel butterflies while he speaks all those cheesy words & trying to flirt with me with a playful grin plastered in his face. Whenever he is around me, my heart beats so loudly, that it seems to come out of my chest ripping it off. I guess even he has heard the loud sounds of my heartbeat. Again at the same time, he is the one to always do these small, soft actions for me, never forgetting to pamper me with his love and care. My comfort has always been his top priority. I feel like I couldn't be any more lucky than getting such a man in my life. I hope we can always stay together. FOREVER." I thought.

"Stop staring, princess. Do I look that handsome that you can't shift your gaze from me? Huh? Anyways, see if your dupatta is fixed properly or not?"

"Hm. It's okay now."

"Let's get your makeup done, baby."

"You won't ruin it right? I mean are you sure you can do it properly?"

"Of course, princess. Just trust me, okay?"

"How is it?"

I almost drooled looking at myself. I was looking so dreamy, I felt dizzy seeing my beauty. Hehe!

"Hey! I'm looking so pretty, see Abhi. Ain't I looking pretty?" I almost squealed like a child.

Abhi couldn't contain his laughter anymore as he burst out laughing. Wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him, he removed the hair strands from my forehead which were probably blocking his view and tucked them behind my ears.

"Yup baby. You are looking so pretty that I want to kiss you so bad right now. Gosh, I don't think you can save your lips from me. Uh-huh. Actually I can kiss you, this extra lipstick needs to be rubbed off, you know," he said while holding me by my nape & shamelessly tracing his thumb on my lips.

"A-Abhi! Stop it. Don't tease me like that." I said while looking everywhere but him.

"And you like being teased, don't you? Esha, don't blush like that. You are making it hard for me to control myself." He said in his husky voice.

That's it. I couldn't bear this shameless man anymore. That voice of his makes me hella nervous. I was burning hot in his gaze. And my heartbeats, oh man!

"Haha baby. Okay okay. I'm sorry for annoying you. Let's go now. Hm?"

"Yah! Wait! I have to choose my bag. Choose one for me from the almirah."

"And I'm not totally ready yet." I mumbled softly in low voice.

"Esha, I think this one is perfect, isn't-"

He kept on looking at my reflection in the mirror & I knew very well what he was seeing so intently.

"Now, I'm ready. See?"

"Esha-y-you really wore that?"

"Hm. And from today on, I'll keep on wearing it for the rest of my life. You know, it's really very precious to me. I-I'll cherish it forever."

He rushed towards me & engulfed me in a tight hug.

"You are an angel, baby. A true angel in my life."

I laughed hearing his words while he kept on showering my face with numerous kisses.

"Abhi, enough. Leave me now. Let's head out." I said wiggling to come out of his grip.

"Hm. Let's go. I'll make sure that our first date makes a special place in your heart, baby. As to where I'll take you, that's a surprise."

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