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Hey lovely readers,

My exams finished 2 days back. I was tired as hell as I pulled an all nighter on 27th for the first time in my life.

I recharged myself up but now I have another stack of exams piled up before me which needs more practice and attention than the one that just finished.

Still I'll try to give updates. I'm writing the upcoming part. And I'll post it in a day or two.

It does not include the lovey dovey moments between the couple.

Rather it has some details about Esha's background and similar stuffs.

Well, don't blame her after reading this part because there are actually some people out there with such thoughts and mental state. It's not unscientific and you can't say that's not practical.


Try not to judge her when you read about her background and her mental state. Her mental condition is a bit critical and complex.

No more spoilers!

And one more thing, if I write something wrong about the medical stuffs, because I lack knowledge in that field, please feel free to show me the right path. I'll get the errors corrected.

Also, do check my conversation board and try to give reply to the last two messages I posted.


Love you all ♡

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