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"Potter! Black! What have you done this time!" Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker, barged into the transfiguration classroom where the Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and a few Slytherins were having a lesson. His arrival was obviously unwelcomed based on the way Mcgonagall's face scrunched in disapproval, and the way the students grimaced at the sight of him.

It was a special lesson with a few selected students. Students from different houses and different years. It was a rare class where the Potters and Blacks were together in a room. The students were selected with a lot of considerations and the professors deemed it was the best. They only chose the best of the best per house and year.

"Argus what is this nonsense-"

Minerva Mcgonagall doesn't appreciate getting her class interrupted. Not when she finally made peace in her room. It took almost an hour trying to prevent Julia and James from hexing each othe, preventing Sirius and Regulus from punching each other, and preventing Dorcas Meadows from encouraging them. It took a whole lot of effort, and she did not want all of it to go down the drain.

"Professor! They exploded the great hall with Dung bombs. Potter! Black! Get here right now!" Filch cried out. He looked exhausted and covered in Dung bombs.

"Which one?" Julia asked. Her fingers played with her wand, twirling it in between seamlessly. She looked like she would rather be anywhere at that moment. Of course, she knew it was her brother, but it was fun to tease and confuse the squib. Besides, snitches end up in ditches.

"What?" Filch asked.

"There are currently two Blacks and Potters present in the room. Which one?" James asked. Leaning against his chair comfortably, his right ankle on top of his left knee, his fingers twirling with his wand as well, mirroring his twin's actions.

Filch showed them a parchment which revealed the receipt of the Dung bombs with a sign.

'J. Potter, Black'

"J Potter!" He yelled.

"We're both J Potter." The twins said in unison. They said it in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"Black!" He yelled.

"We're both Black." Regulus and Sirius said in unison. Ignoring the way their eyes widened and immediately continued avoiding each other.

Filch turned red from anger and frustration. Mcgonagall just sighed and interrupted before it could escalate to something bigger. The last thing she wants is more Paperworks.

"James, Sirius, please follow Mr. Filch." She said without turning to look at them.


"We did not even-"

The two stuttered their protests. Julia disguised her laugh as a cough making James glare at her.

"Regulus would rather spend his money on books and we all know Julia is rather intelligent to not leave evidence that she did the prank."

Remus did not even attempt to hide his chuckle. James and Sirius sighed defeated before leaving. Julia just shrugged and turned to Mcgonagall with a smile.

"I knew you love me, Minnie!"

"Turn that box into a cat, Potter."

"Aye! Aye! Captain!"


"You're lucky Mcgonagall loves quidditch." Julia said as she accompanied James down to the quidditch pitch. Try-outs for the new team are happening. James was given permission from Mcgonagall to skip this afternoon's detention.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon