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Ever since that day, Sirius never left Julia alone. It was as if that interaction ignited a fire within him. He began to taunt her and annoy her every single chance he gets.

It surprised James at first but then he thought it was just Sirius treating Julia like a little sister. He even gave Sirius tips on how to annoy Julia.

"What is up with Black and following you all the time like a puppy?" Her friend, Ayla Goldstein asked. She's one of the closest friends Julia has.

"Which one?"



Julia blinked. If she was being honest, she had no idea. At first she keeps on getting flustered but these days she just ends up getting annoyed at Sirius because quite literally, he won't leave her alone.

At first it was slight teasing but then it escalated to not so subtle ways. She began to recieve flying paper swans in the middle of class.

Julia doesn't even remember telling Sirius her favorite flower but she just woke up to her bed being covered in wisteria.

Julia just shrugged in response to Ayla.

"Next week's the first match of the season. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Will you watch?" She asked Ayla.

Ayla nodded. "Of course I will." She said.

Julia began to make her way towards her class. Surprisingly, she was paired with Sirius Black. Contrary to popular belief, Sirius is actually very smart and a powerful wizard.

Julia was surprised because Sirius was easy to work with. They complimented each other, in an instant and with ease, they managed to complete the tast. Potions task to be specific.

As they were doing theit work, they failed to see the glares they've been recieving. The angriest glare coming from her twin himself. James was practically red in the face, seeing his twin and his best mate giggling and wispering to each other.

"Moony! You can't tell me nothing's going on between them." James whined at Remus who sighed for the fifth time that hour.

"James, they're both grown enough. Julia can take care of herself. She's a powerful wizard." Remus tried to assure him. Of course James knows the capability of his twin. It's just the fact that he's the overprotective older brother.

James' glare deepened once he heard them laughing together.

"You're actually being serious?"

"I am Sirius, sweeheart."

James nearly jumped from his table once he saw Sirius wink at her. "Remus-"

"James if you spill this potion I'm dropping you as my partner and work with Ayla." Remus threatened

James muttered angrily and began to focus more on their potion. Still sending deadly looks to the two of them.

Sirius turned towards Julia who was busy cutting up their ingredients. He saw the way she was struggling to cut because of her hair. He conjured a hair tie and walked towards her back.

"Can I tie your hair?" He asked. Julia only hummed in response, still focusing on slicing. Sirius carefully tied her hair up, making sure to get her side bangs so it wouldn't bother her.

He fixed her hair and made sure it was neat enough. "Why didn't you tie your hair earlier?" He asked curiously.

"I always forget my hair ties." She replied. Sirius hummed and began to work on his task too.

Ever since that day, Sirius Black would always be seen with a spare hair tie on his wrist.

It wasn't only the marauders who noticed the change between Sirius and Julia's relationship. Everyone saw the progress between them.

Before, it was rare to see Sirius and Julia talking alone. Now, whenever you hear Black and Potter you would now think if they are referring to James or Julia.

Of course, not everyone is happy about this. Specifically, the girls who are inlove with Sirius Orion Black.

Julia got startled once she suddenly felt the rope spell casted on her. "Excuse me?"

Three Gryffindor girls began to get closer to Julia. One she could recognize the one Sirius made out with last year during their quiddtich championship party.

Julia rolled her eyes. She could easily untie herself and as she was about to, she suddenly felt a slap.

"What have you done to him." The girl asked, no, threatened. It wasn't a question. It was more of a statement.

"Who?" Julia asked, ignoring the sting from the slap.


Julia cursed under her breath. Well, might as well have fun with the accusation she's been recieving. Julia's not that oblivious to the rumors and gossips around hogwarts.

If you got Ayla as your roomate then you'll have alll the gossips you need.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently, batting her long lashes to annoy them.

"You obviously spelled him! He no longer looked at my way! He even refused my invitation."

It did not take a genius to know what the invitation was. Julia sighed. She can't blame this girl though. Sirius is intoxicating. She's said this before and she'll say it again.

"Well, what can I say? I'm irresistable." Julia said.

"You are not! Stop trying to overestimate yourself when you're not even pretty!"

"Oh please I'm pretty sure Sirius thinks the opposite-" Julia retorted when she got interrupted by a spell almost casted unto her.



She turned and saw the other four maruaders appear. Sirius took a look around the room and noticed what was happening. He walked towards Julia and untied her.

"You okay, love?" He asked. Julia only nodded, trying not to smirk at the way those girls are currently looking at her.

Julia does not know how it happened but the boys managed to get Mcgonagall and give those girls detention. As expected from hogwarts, it spread around pretty quickly.

Julia Potter never needed protection. She's  a powerful and smart witch. She can protect her own and stand up for herself. However, the way Sirius was asking her if she was okay and the way he kept massaging her wrists where the tie was tightened, she wanted nothing more but to he protectedband saved by him.

Just like Mcgonagall said, in between four reds, there's always a blue in the center.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now