~ 10.3 ~

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Sirius woke up as the Potters came back. He jumped, ignoring the pain in his body, and ran to engulf Julia in a hug.

"They didn't hurt me, don't worry." She smirked.

"We ended up throwing unconscious death eaters to azkaban. Julia, dear, what did you do?" Mia said in a stern voice but she was clearly smiling.

Julia felt Sirius began to shake. She heard him sniff. "Are you crying?" She asked.

Sirius shook his head. He pulled away from the hug and tried to wipe his tears.

"I'm okay. We're okay."

Once everything went back to normal, Julia and Sirius went up to Julia's room.

"What are you doing?" He asked once he saw Julia applying something to her face.

"Face mask! Wait, lay down." Julia said.

He did as he was told.

Julia pulled his hair back and placed a hairband to keep his hair out of his face.

She first took out a cleanser and cleaned his face.

She then applied the face mask.

"This will help your skin." She explained. After they finished, they removed their masks.

"I was scared." He admitted.

"I'm okay. Believe it or not I'm strong." Julia chuckled.

Sirius nodded and smiled.

"Whatever you say, love."


"Happy Christmas!"

Everyone was complete. The marauders alongside Julia was preparing the christmas tree. They began to decorate it with several other ornaments.

It was christmas eve. They began to prepare.

"The rest are arriving tomorrow." James informed.

The next day arrived and Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Frank, Ayla, and the other have arrived

"Happy christmas!!"

Greetings and smiles were exhanged. Sooner, it was time for the gifts.

The Potter manor was filled with joy and delight. Sirius can't help but feel guilty for leaving Regulus behind. Julia noticed him and held his hand. "He promised he would follow you. He never breaks promises."

Sirius reluctantly nodded.

"It's time for the gifts!" James happily announced.


"Dumbledore! They are children!" Julia heard her mum cry out from their kitchen. Julia quickly ran towards James' bedroom.

"James!" She said, ignoring the fact that Sirius just came out of James' bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and was currently dripping wet.

"Bloody hell, Julia!" James jumped up and covered her eyes. "You could have knocked!" He said.

Julia pulled his hands down. "There's something going on downstairs!" She said and quickly went to her room to wake the other up.

Their rooms are huge enough to accompany everyone without the feeling of being too crowded.


"Mum?" Julia said as she opened the door.

The others were surprised seeing their parents and people they know. "What is happening?" James asked.

Dumbledore went and explained the purpose of the order.

"They are underaged!" The others tried to reason out.

"We're seventeen!" The group said in unison.

"I'm joining." Julia said without hesitation. James, Sirius, and her parents wanted to protest.

"You can't- it's too dangerous-"

"I cursed the Lestranges three days ago. Try me." She said.

Monty sighed. "Fine, you two can join." He said. Mia argued with him.

"Mia, they are going to do it either way. They might as well do it with our permission. That way, we can still look after them."

Before the night ended, they began to plan. All the children had to grow up sooner than expected. How were they to know that the last time they get to have fun was when they exchanged gifts?

Julia held Sirius' hand as he fiddled with them under the table.

They are going to face this no matter what. They are willing to fight for their future. From the corner of her eyes, Julia saw James and Lily hold hands too. She smiled.

"Voldemort's a half-blood." Sirius informed them. "He is?" Julia said in a shocked voice.

She chuckled.

"What a fucking hypocrite."

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang