~ 10.7 ~

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"How could you.." James managed to utter as he finally faced the rat.

"I was scared-"

"We were friends!"

Peter winced as James used a past tense to refer to their friendship.

Peter kneeled infront of the marauders. James cried. Tears falling from his eyes.

"Marlene died because of you! She died because of this fucking war!"

Remus and Sirius froze. Marlene was dead. The girl who was always filled with strength. The girl who kept burning amidst all the cold and strong rain. She was gone, forever.

Because of this, they failed to see Voldemort. Peter's eyes widened. He quickly ran infront of James as Voldemort did the killing curse.

"Peter.." Remus let out a gasp.

Voldemort quickly disappeared.

All of a sudden, the remaining three could finally see the invisible creatures that pulled their carriages. All of a sudden, they weren't so invisible anymore.

"I have to find Lily.." James breathed out.

"I need to go be with Julia." Sirius informed.

The two looked at Remus who sighed dejectively.

"I need to help Ayla."

They began making their way towards their path, hoping not to get lost this time.

Julia stold in the middle of the battlefield. There was no prophecy, no Harry, no one. It was all them this time.

The Black dragon managed to succesfully burn most of the death eaters.

Slughorn and Voldemort faced each other.

"Let us end this at once, Tom." Slughorn said. The kind young boy he used to teach became almost unrecognizable.

He could no longer see the eyes that was filled with curiousity and eagerness to learn. Slughorn felt guilty. He was the one who taught him the horcruxes after all. He needs to end this himself.

"Aren't you funny- avada kedavra!"


James interrupted them and because of this, Slughorn was saved. Slowly, the other professors began to help James. Julia and the others who were left alive began to help him too.


"Please.. don't go. You can't." Regulus cried out as he held Cesia's almost lifeless body.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Please.." Regulus said, holding her hand as he stared into her eyes. "You can't leave me. You told me you want a beach house, right?" Regulus sniffed as he continued hugging her.

He froze as Cesia's arms went limp on his hold.

"Cesia? Cesia, love, please don't do this." He begged.

However, he can't do much anymore. He wanted to cry. He wanted to stay with her side but there's still a war.

His eyes widened as a killing curse was sent towards Sirius.

"Not this time." Regulus wispered as he ran towards them.

He closed his eyes as a single tear fell.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя