~ 10.9 ~

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"I am not going back to hogwarts." Julia whined as James kept convincing her. The rest of the students were given a chance to continue their last two months left at hogwarts.

"Come on! This is our last two months in hogwarts! We have to make it memorable.." James shook her. Julia sat up from her bed.

"Fine! We're going! Leave at once!"

James smiled successfully. It has been officially a month since the battle of hogwarts. Hogwarts has been rebuilt.

Regulus and Sirius celebrated as they found out they are the only Blacks left, if they ignore Andromeda and Narcissa's existence.

They moved back to the Black manor as the finished renovating it.

The battle left a scar in everyone's heart. But what could they do? They have to continue living their life facing a new reality.

"Minnie! Missed us?" Julia laughed once she heard Sirius' remark. To their surprise, Mcgonagall nodded.

"I'm glad to see you all alive." She breathed out, trying to fight the tears.

"We're glad too." James smiled.


"I love you." Sirius said. "You don't have to say it back. I just want to tell you."

The couple are currently sitting on top of the astronomy tower.

"I love you too."

They began to talk more, allowing themselves to enjoy the moment. Soon, they began to talk about their future.

"Regulus wants to move out as soon as he graduates." Sirius said.

"Why?" Julia asked.

"He wants to buy a flat of his own. He said he wants to teach students defence againts the dark arts here at hogwarts."

Julia smiled remembering Cesia's book. Cesia's book was filled with knowledge about the dark arts and ways of defending themselves from it.

"Who's going to live at the manor?" Julia asked.



Sirius smiled. "I want to marry you, Julia. Grow old with you and build a family with you. I thought I made that clear when I asked you out during halloween?" He chuckled.

Julia felt her cheeks heat up.

"I mean, I wasn't sure if you were being serious."

"I am Sirius."

Julia rolled her eyes. "I want a dog." Julia said. Sirius nodded.

"We'll fill the manor with severa plants and animals. We already have a quidditch pitch. We'll make your potions chambers." Sirius said, imagining their future together.

"You know, there's a chance I'll have twins in the future." Julia said. "It's in our genetics. James and I." She added. "Do you want children?"

"Do you want children?" Sirius returned the question. "It's your body, Julia. You're one who'll experience the hard stuff. All I have to do is shove it in."

Julia laughed at Sirius' remark. "Shove it in? Really." She chuckled. "What if I can't give you children?" She asked in a more sincere tone.

"I love you for what you can and cannot give, Julia. If I'm being honest, you're all I really need. You're enough for me. If there are children then I'm happy. If there's none then I'll still happily grow old with you. Nothing will change."

Julia smiled, leaning at his shoulders. "What did I do to deserve you." She wispered.

"I should be the one asking that, love."


"Why in merlin's right saggy balls are the Prewett twins commentating? They graduated years ago!" Julia asked as the quidditch championship began.

It was a fight between the lions and snakes. Very surprising.

"They said they have a new invention they'd like to try." Remus shrugged.

"I can't believe my bestfriends are dating." Julia sighed to tease Ayla and Remus.

"I can't believe you're dating your childhood crush." Ayla retorted.

Remus chuckled.

"Welcome to the final match of the season! I am the handsome Fabian-"

"I am the sexy Giddeon-

"and we are here to present the battle of the beasts!"

The crowd cheered in excitement.

"For today's match, we are here to present our new invention. Introducing, the kiss cam!"

Julia's eyes widened. She nearly went deaf as the crowd cheered louder if that was even possible.

The twins began explaining how the camera works. "We have infused this with amortentia. The camera will automatically go towards the person you're attracted. However, I don't guarantee that your feelings will be returned!"

For the first time since the battle, hogwarts was once again lively. It was filled with joy and love. Just like how it was before. Indeed some things never change. Like the love they feel for each other. It will never change.

The camera panned towards other people.

Remus and Ayla, Pandora and Xeno, Frank and Alice, and several more. The school screamed as the camera pointed towards Lily and James.

Soon, the camera was repeatedly pointed towards Julia however, it was because there are several students who fancy her. Men or women. The camera kept panning back towards her.

"Fab, Gid, if you don't point that bloody camera at me anytime soon I will throw the bludger right at you." They could hear Sirius yell from the air.

The twins laughed as they finally pointed the camera towards Sirius. Unsurprisingly, Julia appeared next to him.

Sirius flew towards Julia as the crowed yelled louder.

"Gryffindor sneeker has seen the snitch!"

Instead of flying towards her, Sirius remained in the sky. Julia chuckled. "Accio broom." She wispered under her breath. The crowed began to focus on them instead of the match.

Her broom appeared as she rode it with ease, flying swiftly and doing hard stunts as she flew towards Sirius.

"Since when?!" They could hear James' voice in the background.

The crowd gasped as a bludger was approaching them. Sirius managed to hit it perfectly without breaking eye contact with her. He pulled her blue tie closer to him.

"Can I kiss you now?"

Julia nodded.

"Use your words, love."


 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now