~ 10.1 ~

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"Mum! Dad!" Julia jumped at her parents' arms. Euphemia and Fleamont chuckled as they hugged their children.

"Meet Sirius. My boyfriend." She introduced Sirius. Sirius knows Mia and Monty as James' friend and not as Julia's boyfriend. He held his arm out for a polite handshake.

"Welcome to the family, dear!" Mia said happily as she wrapped her arms around Sirius.

James chuckled seeing Monty and Julia exhange winks.

They bid their goodbyes and the Potter family began making their way towards the Potter manor.

The Potter manor has always been cozy despite how huge it is. James and Julia were a miracle. They had them when they were nearly old.

Monty and Mia are indeed older than the other parents in hogwarts but their elegance and class hides it. The twins grew up filled with love and support.

"When are the boys coming here?" Mia asked.

"Around christmas eve, mum!" James yelled from the other side of the living room.

"How long were you and Sirius pinning over each other? How on earth did it happen?" Monty asked curiously

"I'll tell you after dinner, dad." Julia assured.

After a delicious dinner, courtesy of their beloved house elves, the Potter family decided to hangout in the living room.

The fireplace providing a warm cozy feeling againts the cold empty weather.

"So James doesn't actually know about my first conversation Sirius.."

Julia began storytelling. James also shared his story about how Lily finally said yes to a hogsmeade date with him.

When it was almost midnight, Julia fell asleep at her father's arms.

"I'll take her upstairs." Monty said as she carried her like he used to to when they were just kids.

James held unto his mother's arms as they climbed up the stairs. It has always been like that. They weren't shy of showing their affection.

"Dad.." Julia wispered. Monty held her carefully. Despite his old age, he still tries to works out so he can carry his children if they need him.

"Sleep well, Julia." He said as he tucked Julia in. He and Mia kissed Julia's forehead as they also went towards James' bedroom.

They both tucked James in and kissed his forehead. "You need a bedtime story, Jay?" Mia asked. James chuckled.

"Well it wouldn't hurt for one." He said.

The couple smiled as they began reading a story at their eldest child. James is only seven minutes older than Julia.

Monty and Mia smiled once they saw James softly snoring. They had fears, of course, with the war and all the attacks that has been going on. However, they weren't about to hold their children back from enjoying their lives because of their fears.

The couple smiled as they also went for their peaceful slumber.

The Potters are a family of tradition. Preparing for christmas has always been the same way and the family wouldn't want to have it any other way.


Julia laughed once she succesfully hit James with an ice ball. It became a trigger for an intense ice ball fight with the twins.

"You kids done?" Mia asked, handing them both hot chocolate and using a spell to dry them off.

Time passed and Julia decided it was time to take a walk around the village.

"Mom! I'm going out for a walk!" She bid goodbye as she made her way outside.

Julia allowed herself to be wrapped in several sweaters.

Unfortunately, she failed to notice a group of masked people walking closer to grab her.

The last thing she saw was the wrist that had a tattoo of a skull and snake before she felt the curse hit her.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now