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Meanwhile, at the Black manor. Somehow it was peaceful as of the moment.

"Maia! Cal! Time for breakfast." Julia called for her twins. In less than a minute she saw them run towards the kitchen.

"Morning, love." Sirius greeted his wife and pecked her forehead.

"Gross!" Cal said out loud.

"This is why you shouldn't have met with Regulus every single day during your pregnancy." Sirius teased.

Cal looked like Sirius, to say the least. Both of their children inherited his grey eyes. Something Julia was really happy about.

She has always loved Sirius' eyes. They were unique and magical.

Meanwhile, Maia looked like Julia with Sirius' eyes. The world did not prepare itself for Maia and Cal Black. The fusion of two powerful witch and wizard.

"Minnie's gonna get a heart attack." Julia laughed. Sirius agreed.

"I would too if I were her. Potter, Black, and Lupin all at the same year? Merlin, hogwart's about to be demolished." Sirius commented.

"Sirius, you better hide all your notes about being an animagus." Julia threatened.

Sirius laughed. Julia was still traumatized. During Remus' bachelor's party, they got supper drunk.

Julia heard noises outside their manor. She opened her door to see a stag and a dog playing with Remus.

James, who was still a stag, recognized his sister. He went and tried to hug her but he ended up bumping his antlers towards the doors.

Julia nearly yelled in fear when a big black dog jumped on top of her making the two of them floor. She only calmed down once the dog fell asleep because Sirius slowly transformed back into his human form.

"They grow up so quickly." Julia said. "I can't believe I carried them with me for nine months only for them to look like a carbon copy of you." Julia sighed.

"Would you like to try for another one?"


"Harry would you please stop telling me how beautiful ginny's freckles are? We're about to be late!" Hanna could be heard complaining about his brother's tardiness.

"I'm the one attending hogwarts. Why are you much more excited than me?" Harry whined as he fixed his glasses and hair but seemingly failed to do so.

James chuckled. "You like Ginny Weasley, Harry?" He asked and Harry nodded happily.

"I do! I'm going to marry her someday."

Lily could be heard sighing deeply as she rolled her eyes.

"Poor Ginny. You Potter boys are very stubborn."


"Theo, try not to give Mcgonagall too much trouble, okay?" Remus smiled at his son.

"No promises, dad!"

Ayla stopped Remus who was about to scold Theo.

"Nuh- uh- you aren't about to become the biggest hypocrite on earth Remus Lupin, the brain of the marauders, the cassanova of the-"

Remus covered his wife's mouth as he sighed.

"I'm never gonna live that down, aren't I?"


Minerva Mcgonagall was peacefully preparing at her office, waiting for the sorting list to be delivered to her.

"The list, professor." Mcgonagall nodded as Filch handed her the paper.

She began scanning and her eyes widened once she read the names.

Harry James Potter

Maia Julia Black

Callisto Sirius Black

Theodore Lupin

She smiled. "They're home. After nearly two decades." She then stood up and made her way towards the headmaster.

"It's their time." She smiled. Albus smiled with the twinkle in his eyes.

"It is, already? Time went by quickly, didn't it?"

"It really did."


"Oh my that's Minnie!" Cal yelled. Mcgonagall turned around as she heard the familiar name.

"Who are you kids?"

The one who looked like James but with green eyes went forward.

"Harry James Potter Ma'am."

Mcgonagall smiled seeing the familiar face of Julia.

"Maia Julia Black."

"She's my twin. I'm Callisto Sirius Black."

Mcgonagall laughed.

"Theodore Lupin at your service, captain." He dramatically bowed.

"Good lord, are you really?" She managed to breath out.

"Where are they-" They turned around as they heard Regulus' voice. He smiled as he saw the familiar faces.

"Uncle Reggie!"

The children chorused at once, hugging their beloved uncle. "Ready to through this once again, Minnie?" He asked.

"I'll never say no to that, Regulus."


Maia was walking around the dark and empty halls of hogwarts. Everyone was most likely sleeping already. Sure, she was excited at first but right now she's feeling really homesick.

She wants to hear her mother sing and tuck her in. She could go to her brother but they'll just annoy her.

Despite all of the similarities, this time, all five of them were wearing red. Maia remained as the only female in their friendgroup. Not that she planned it seeing as they grew up together.

Lost in her thoughts she suddenly bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry- wait- you look oddly familiar."

Julia stepped back. She faced the boy and noticed he was a slytherin. She furrowed her brows.

"What's your name?" He asked. Maia chuckled. Everyone knows her name. The daughter of the one and only royal couple.

"You know my name." She answered.

"Of course I know your name. I'm asking if you know your name." The boy replied. He was brunette and pretty tall for his age.

"Maia, Maia Julia Black. Gryffindor. You?"

"Enzo, Lorenzo Berkshire. Slytherin."

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Where stories live. Discover now