~ 10.2 ~

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Sirius Black never enjoyed any of the grand balls hosted at their manor. It was filled with several other rich and powerful pureblood families.

Most of the time it was filled with pretending. Sometimes its purpose was to find a suitable partner for their children.

Tonight was one of those nights. He was supposed to look formal and neat in his suit. Walburga  doesn't really know any of her children. Sirius found a way to change his clothing to make it look less neat.

"Don't worry. I'll try to distract her tonight." Regulus said. Sirius sighed.

"You don't have to. Just distance yourself and I'll handle it." Sirius said.

The brothers began placing their masquerade masks and fixing their clothes.

They slowly began making their way down the stairs. The lively music came to a halt and all wizards and witches present in the room stopped what they were doing.

The Black brothers are indeed breathtaking. If Walburga and Orion did one thing right, it was giving these two the visuals.

The two made their way towards their parents. "Malfoy, meet my sons. Regulus and Sirius." Walburga said in her fake ass voice. She smiled sweetly towards the blondes.

After a while, Sirius and Regulus began to make their way towards the opposite side of the room. A couple of witches went towards their way.

Sirius lifted his hand and it revealed a ring, signalling he wasn't interested. Regulus' deathly glare was enough to drive them away.

The two leaned towards the wall. Sirius began playing with the cup of wine in his hand. Regulus began fiddling with the rings on his fingers.

"I'll take the brunette." Regulus said.

"Fine by me." Sirius shrugged.

He did not really care at all. All he wants is to be with Julia. He's desperate to go to the Potters as soon as he can.

Another type of music began. The brothers sighed as they began to dance with strangers they aren't interested on.

The Black manor is the exact opposite of the Potter manor. Sure, it was as gigantic as the Potter but it held completely different vibe.

It was dark and cold filled with sever different dangerous an dark artifacts. It was adorned with blacks and silvers. On the back held their herbidian black scale.

Sirius thought he could escape the torture he's about to experience. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to.

"I told you to find a suitable wife! You're nothing but a disappointment!" Walburga yelled as she began using the cruciatus curse towards the eldest Black.

Sirius began yelling and squirming in pain. Tears filled his eyes and beads of sweat began to fall from his body.

Regulus watched in horror. "Mum-"

Orion pulled Regulus away from the room, locking him inside his own room.

The torture went for hours. Sirius nearly lost his sanity. Once Walburga was satisfied, she locked him inside his room.

To Sirius' surpise Regulus appeared inside his room. Regulus helped Sirius stand as he prepared a warm bath.

"How-" Sirius managed to wisper.

"Kreacher." Regulus answered.

Sirius closed his eyes and allowed Regulus to place him inside the bathtub. Regulus began making him drink potions.

"I'm sorry I can't use magic. I'm still underaged." Regulus said. Sirius just nodded, out of breath and strength.

Regulus helped Sirius regain some of his strength by giving him more potions and foods.

"Sirius you have to leave today." Regulus said worriedly.

"What do you mean?"

"They took Julia- I heard them- she's at the Lestrange manor."

Sirius did not need to hear more. Regulus called for Kreacher.

"Will you be okay?" Sirius asked.

"You know I have to stay." Regulus smiled sadly. "I'll follow you soon, I promise. I'll make Kreacher take your things to the Potter manor."

Sirius hugged Regulus. "Call for me when you need me, okay? You're my little brother after all."

The apparation took all of Sirius' strength away. He appeared at the Potter manor living room.

Mia, Monty, and James sat worriedly.

"Sirius?" James said, concerned. Mia quickly stood up to help Sirius.

They exhanged glances. They knew Sirius experienced the cruciatus curse from the way he kept twitching to the way he was pale as a ghost.

"Julia- she's at the Lestrange manor." He managed to breathed out.

Mia and Monty quickly stood up and called their house elves.

"We'll take her back, don't worry."

"I'll go with you-'

"You need sleep, dear."

Sirius knew Mia used a spell. However, he couldn't get mad at her. The last thing he heard was a faint 'pop' of appparation as he fell asleep.

 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 [sirius black]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant