It's So Over-Part 1

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Chapter 25

It's So Over-Part 1

Soon to be edited. Part 2 is the main deal, this is just a filler for the second part to follow.


Sweat trickled down my forehead as I pushed harder. My tank top clung onto my back, soaking wet. The perspiration and the humidity in the atmosphere made my temperature raise a notch. I aired myself with my hands flipping side to side. Wearing butt-shorts wasn't of much help either. The hotness and hard work made my ability to withstand the harsh climate shrink.

'God, it's hot!' I thought as I wiped my hands on the top.

"Yeah, it surely is." He spoke then continued his perusal of my body.

I observed him eye-rape me then grunt.

"What is it with men?" I frustrated, groaned. "Is the seven seconds rule really true?" I threw my hands in the air asking god for an answer. This was the dramatic side of me trying to get his attention elsewhere.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes, this was the worst time to be spotted and Taylor was admiring me as if I was a display in an art museum, "All the percentage of water that should be in my body is on my skin. How can you not feel disgusted but turned on?"

"Sweetheart, when I have $ex, it's all about sweaty bodies working in unison."

"Ugh," I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand "You're making me gag; I think I just puked in my mouth."

He let the comment slide and enjoyed his critical observation i.e. me. Maybe a little too much.

"Taylor, are you going to help me or not? Don't disappoint me by putting that hot body into no use." I commented and dropped on the couch. I was done moving stuff, it was time for the man to work his shift and show how he got those biceps and a six-pack body. I was guessing he had a six-pack, I had seen it often in my dreams.

Ummm...that came out wrong. It wasn't like I was dreaming about his delicious body for the past few weeks. Pfft. No, that didn't happen!

Did I just refer to his body as 'delicious'?

But he was so much more.

Okay, Sarah. Stop those dirty thoughts. Just because you got drool on your pillow thinking about him in your dreams doesn't mean you like the guy.

Oh, how silly of me, I forgot to mention.

"Sarah," My sister's voice echoed from the attic, " Is my luggage in?"

" On it!" I screamed back and lay on the couch. I was too lazy to be spontaneous; I was taking a short break or maybe a nap and dream about Ta- tacos.

"B, you are such a hypocrite. If I recall correctly a few minutes ago you were acting like Joan of Arc demanding and ordering me about like I was your puny servant, preaching about the importance of work, shifting your sister in and all that jazz, but right now, you are just a corpse on the couch doing nothing." He ranted as he pulled along a suitcase.

"Let the corpse rest in peace!" I used my best Samuel Jackson impression and plopped further into the soft, cotton balls filled, sitting arrangement. "And corpses do nothing but lay dead."

I had been awake since four a.m helping my sister move into the place for a temporary stay. I think despite being a graduate of MIT she didn't get the gist of the word 'temporary' and I had estimated her understanding of the term as shifting into the house for a good six months.

If I moved an inch of my skin by a centimeter, I think it would fall off permanently. The muscle pain shot through my neck and shoulder and I stayed immobile for a couple of minutes.

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