Everything is not what it seems.

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Chapter 16

Everything is not what it seems.


I was a skank. A wh*re. A sl*t. A whatever bad could come out of your mouth. To even think that Helen Taylor topped the charts for being undeniably horny and relentless was an understatement. I was the one who should have been handed the crown yesterday.

I had not f*cked, but had made out with two hot boys who excelled at the art of kissing and making my heart race twice as fast as it did.

I forced myself to wear something that... made me look unattractive. I needed to be all covered up.

Last night, mom wouldn't quit bugging me about Taylor. The fact that she called him hot made bile rise in my throat.

She secretly confessed how she always wanted me in the dating scene much like her in the golden days. The only reason she refused me to do so was to convince dad that she was on dad's side relating to dating matters. She did not forget to remind me that even if I started seeing boys, dad would never leave his protective stride as that is what all fathers do.

I was entering the kingdom of ruin. This was like James Franco's bizarre undie selfie. This kingdom was weird and complicated and bizarre, but at the same time, hot.

Hannah was baking cookies for 'Team Sarah' as she and Alec broke up  and she wanted nothing more than revenge looking him in the eye. Or some bizarre quote she stole from a movie which she had delivered with great conviction on the phone.

I sat on my bed with my batman pajamas and ate the last scoop of choco-chip ice cream left.

Okay, Sarah. No avoiding life.

I got off bed and mesmerised my horrendous look. This was the best thing I could pull off to make guys run away. It was like a Halloween costume.

" Sweetie, I'm not affirmative over the possibility of you garnering votes with that wickedly cruel outfit which makes you look like a stripper in the Jurassic park. 3D, might I add."

Sophisticated- lady- turns- overnight- biographer- for- her- daughter say what? Mom was so giggly and childlike last night that I forgot the act she put up every morning for dad.

I mentally slapped myself for letting the chances of my campaigning to be president dim down.

Sure, I changed into a white loose shirt with a denim jacket and skin-tight leather floral pants. This would do the trick of simplicity meets the hottest girl in improv class.

My phone rang and I rushed to pick it up.

" Sarah?"

" Dave? Why are you calling me?" I asked, running my hands over my hair trying to untangle the curls.

" There is something I need to tell you." he said in a low tone on the other side of the line.

" Yes, senior Dave? Go on." I mocked at the word senior.

" Sarah, be careful with the people you are with. Be very careful."

" What are you talking about?"

" Sarah, listen, try to avoid Taylor Mason. He's not a good guy, my dad is working on a case against him and his record hasn't been the fairest of all." he warned.

I was confused with the loose ends. Which case was Dave's dad working on?

" Dave, are you sure? I mean, you were the one who was pushing me to do the dirty with him and now you want me to stay away. I don't quite get it." I explained, trying to make sense of this. What case was the police working on against Taylor?

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