Forgetting Sarah Baker-3

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Forgetting Sarah Baker-3

This one is for another reader who is amazing. Plus, she has got a really funny username! Check her out!


When I gained conciousness again I perceived one thing, after 90 minutes or something like that of life , we won!

I had recovered from a 20 minute coma while the school continued the game. No one really cared except my friends. Zack had come over and hadn't returned to the game until I woke up.

When we won, I did the happy dance and the girl in front of me twerked. Hannah sp@nked her and we all let our jaws drop. Hannah? The same Hannah who couldn't speak 4 weeks ago?

The game ended. The crowd dispersed and the jocks did a victory dance and celebrated.

Zack took out his helmet and winked at me and moved his hands as if saying- ' Yes, we did it!' .

I simply smiled and waved back even though I kind of got weak on my knees on the level of sweetness he displayed.

He signaled he'd call me later and I bid goodbye.

Today had been a mix of good and bad events . I smiled to myself .

I was forgetting Sarah Baker but only for the better.

And I liked the new me, along with a few other people, shokingly.

“ Attention students .” everyone lowered the volume.

“Tomorrow , the first period is going to be $ex education again conducted by me for 10 th graders. Compulsory attendance for all.”

Not again!

The whole school let out an in-sync groan then broke into a laugh. It was like an opera.

Way to ruin tomorrow , Mr.Hemmings, you little $lut!


Chapter 10 is complete!!! Yay!

By far, this had been the longest chapter that I've written in this book.

I'm pretty happy by the way things are going till now.

Thank you so so so much for reading this book.

Have a nice day!


Random question:-

What is your favorite cuisine?




Mexican ?

Sorry for the short update! I guess I should've divided the chapter into 2 parts!

Oops! Did I Spill It Out? (More Soon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora