It's So Over-Part 2

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Chapter 25

It's So Over

The ending has a major plot twist... I worked really hard so I hope the plot twist will blow your minds. Like seriously.

Dedication for zaarsenist because I LOVE the 'Light as a Feather...' series.


I was going haywire. After what Dave had told me I couldn't help but accuse Zack of something that hadn't really happened; the future. What if the date went wrong and he didn't like me anymore? What if he stood me up like the other girl from prom? What if he told me I was a bad kisser? What if he was two-timing and already with another girl when I got there? What if...oh dear! There were lots of questions I didn't have the answers to and I was equally unsure of how many of them I wanted answered. 

Amber had effortlessly dressed me up for the date. She had tied my hair into a fishtail and applied neutral make-up on the skin. I adorned a white dress with a denim jacket, keeping it plain and simple. Nothing that made me look like I was trying too hard which I knew dozens of girls had done when they went went out for night-outs.

Dusting my shoulder to get the strands of hair neatly packed she pursed her lips. "Tell him to walk you to the door. And now that mom and dad are not here I will do the parenting, so tell him to expect me." She tried so hard to sound serious but I knew her, this was her first time acting like the strict sibling. 

"Okay." I nodded pushing away the negative thoughts aside. " I can do this." I motivated myself having a glance at the mirror. 

She nodded in agreement as she looked in the mirror and patted herself. Then distracting herself with my date she asked politely while putting on a neckpiece. "When is he going to pick you up?"

"He messaged the time as 8:30 so he should be here any minute." As if on cue, the bell rang. Amber and I slowly made our way down the stairs, and then I swung the door open. He was dressed up in a grey v-neck shirt with a checked red and blue t-shirt on top. The rolled-up sleeves emanated his lower arms, I think I saw a vein pop here and there. He was clad in a loosely hung up jeans which made his look casual yet soothing and refreshing.

"Wow, you look nice!" We chorused then profusely blushed.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I stepped out on the porch and leaned in. "There's a surprise for you."

"I am not sure what your definition of surprise is." He gave me a queer look and a crooked smile. 

I grinned and hooked his arms into mine pulling him inside. " It's not a major deal, just my sister. She's family so technically you need to have a talk with her before our send off."

"Cool, but not your parents, right?" He asked as I nodded making his stiffened body relax. 

We went inside, Amber stood with a scowl on her face and for the first time I didn't know whether she was faking it or serious.

"So you are Zack?" She interestingly spoke taking in his look as if mentally putting tick marks beside the categories of judgment.


"One and only," He joked but I elbowed him in the stomach. "ma'am."


She gave a stern look, pushing her glasses up to the nose and raised her chin up with her fingers scratching her chin. She was contemplating whether Zack was a good guy and I nervously looked down. She had to like him. She scoffed and thundered pointing a wand she had from her Harry Potter wardrobe in Zack's direction to look intimidating. "You know the standard protocol!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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