Only the Losers are sober.

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Chapter 8:-

Only the losers are sober.

This goes out to my friend, HighnLow!!! She has been reading this book from the start and makes sure to leave a comment on every chapter which make me smile and want to not only write, but improve more. 


On the next day of school, turned out everyone had a hangover . Some kids were more drunk than they were the night before. They were acting like vampires whenever light hit their faces . Everyone had been invited to the party, everyone had gone to the party . Except me, Alan - the principal ( surprisingly ) , Hannah , and a somebody I didn't want to talk about.

I didn't even know why I was angry but I couldn't help it. I could almost get killed. Plus, it was the first time in my life I sat on a bike , riding like we are living life in the fast lane didn't work in calming those nerves.

'Somebody' had also seen the brutal 'let's have s*x' session and somewhere in my heart I found relief that I wasn't alone. To be honest , I couldn't face it alone.

I needed someone. Anyone !  who understood. This was in my case, Taylor Mason. Oh shoot! I said his name!

Forget it!

It was partly my fault too. Thanks to my zero social activities,  I had never sat on a bike. I was 16. 16 years of my life gone and somehow yesterday was the day I had done it for the first time. Maybe if I had informed him then he must've slowed down. Or not, as the cops were behind us.

I had to cut some slack on him. I wonder how he took my body to the illegal station. I was unconscious and taking me anywhere on a bike was a ridiculous idea.

Imagine me hanging out of a bike . And it may have been a possibility I may have fallen off more than once taking by my frequent turns during sleep. Poor boy!

But that didn't mean I was going to forgive him. Cops or not. No one needs to race like we're in the 'Fast and Furious' franchise. Especially in my city. It's such a tiny one.

I was going to be angry with him. It gave me an excuse for him to leave me alone which was confusing , I wanted someone yet not him as a someone to help me through the tough times.

Hannah hadn't come to school. Or maybe she was running late . What was worse? I didn't have a cell phone yet to call her. My parents, I swear , are such .

There were a million things running in my head.

And one of them was about a certain brunette who had dark chocolate orbs that made girls mushy on the inside

Zack was the figure I saw the previous night who was using the pole as a support. He had seen my epic crying the entire way exit from Taylor Mason's bike. And he had done something that wouldn't get out and was instilling guilt within me, he had called. Called to ask how I was . Laugh all you want but it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. Sweeter than candy.

I had ignored the first bazillion calls but then the crying and the exhaustion had swept over so I talked. Or more like, cry. I bet the only thing Zack heard was

'Weh Weh I Weh Weh I thought that he blah blah blah.'

The curious thing was how he'd held the phone up for so long because the second I would have somebody calling me at two freaking am , I would have probably told him/ her to go f*ck themselves and never call me again until there's an open bar at the funeral .

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