I'm a party animal, yeah. Party animal!

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Chapter 9:-

I'm a party animal. Yeah, party animal.

P.S: Badwin is pronounced - Bod-win


A pair of 5 inch heels, tight figure- hugging dress, some lip- gloss and running an eyeliner later, I was ready to go.

Secret confession, I had lied to Hannah about myself. I hated parties, I'd never gotten drunk and it was a first timer I was wearing a dress which actually belonged to my sister.

I would rather enjoy reading a book. Fake ID? Me? No! I was Miss. Goody good shoes.

It was a hard decision. I had rehearsed my dance moves to various songs for about an hour and a half and I knew I was going to make jaws drop - in a bad way.



That must be my phone, it must be Hannah.

"I'll be there in ten. Should I get something else along, just in case?" I asked and blow-dried my hair.

My parents weren't supposed to know I was sneaking out.

"In ten? Look, who's getting hasty? Just bring yourself. I am always prepared for that big something."


"Taylor!" I admonished.

" How did you get my number?"

" Babe, I'm Taylor mason. Anything's possible for me."

" Like shutting the hell up?  Aaaand bye!" I hanged up.

No. Don't think about it! You are better than this!


I picked on the phone and redialed his number.

"Hello. Taylor?" Call me stupid but I wasn't the girl who wanted to just keep things hanging. Let's just get it over with.

" You just couldn't stay away, could you?"

"I'm at my house, at the moment, so I think I'm doing a pretty great job at staying away from you."

" But you're still on the phone." he suggested.

I looked at the ' Hello Kitty' clock in my room.

I was a big fan of them. If only guys were as cute and adorable as Hello Kitties

" I assure you I'm just as cute, slightly better actually."


"You said your thoughts out loud. Do you do that often?" I could picture the look on his face. He was obviously making fun of me.

"Let's get to business .We need to talk about what happened. You need to tell me about the rebound plan and this time, I need it to be done without the involvement of cops. I don't want a DUI until never. "

" Where do you want to meet?"

I couldn't make it today. Hannah would be bummed on being ditched.

Mom and Dad wouldn't though.

" How about tomorrow, after school? "

" No way. I've got some work to do."

"  'You' have work to do? Please tell me I'm dreaming." I scoffed.

"Ya, it's this thing called a job. But you won't know anything about It." he mimicked me.

"Really? What's your job? Dealing and making deliveries to the want- to - get- high guys?"

" Right guess."

A shudder passed through my spine. My smile slumped. This guy really was a bad guy. Suddenly, meeting him alone seemed like a bad idea. I needed to do it somewhere public. Like a cafe or maybe...

" How about tonight? "

" Tonight?" he asked as he was shocked.

" I know you like me but isn't this a bit extreme?"

" Please, the only thing I like about you is your hair." I stopped mid-sentence. How did that ever come out?

He had beautiful blonde hair.

"You realize you are still speaking your thoughts out loud?"

Shit! Did I say that out loud?

"It wasn't for you. My cousin sister is talking to her boyfriend in the background." I lied. Pretty convincingly surprisingly.

"Denial is always the first stage." he sang.

I grabbed my mascara and put my phone on loudspeaker.

This was me dressing up as a wh*re which I clearly wasn't.

"Taylor Mason, there is one thing you need to know. I don't do bad boys. I do nice boys."

It was his turn to scoff.

"Yeah, because Zack and you get along just fine."

" How did you know - "

"About Zack? Are you that oblivious? Everyone in school knows he likes you."

That was embarrassing. I think maybe now that I had rejected him it was more embarrassing for him.

"Bad boys are irresistible. You'll know."

Whatever. The effed up cliché lines which would never be true.

"Just meet me at the 'Grande tides club' down south, okay?"

I finally let out. It was the perfect location. There were lots of people there and I had Hannah as a backup.

"Goodbye, Sarah." he 'huskily' bid.


"That was not s*xy. It was creepy."

" It works on every one! Want me to try -"

" Don't! Ba- bye! "I hung up.

And that was the end of our conversation.


Right now na na.

I wanna make up right now na na.

I wanna make up right now na na.

Was I back in the early 2000's? The Dj was boring the sh!t out of people. There were some danceable songs like ' Club can't handle me' or ' Down', totally old school but this was getting intolerable.

Did I have the right to shoot that man dead right now?

Hannah was enjoying pretty well.

At times, she would make mysterious disappearances and would return completely abnormal but she wasn't fooling anyone.

I had already spotted Alec Badwin's car outside and I was pretty shocked he had a social life.

Says the girl who parties once in a blue moon.

I was down two drinks and was waiting for the devil to appear.

That guy had a way to test people's patience. It was already an hour late to the time I had messaged him and he still was nowhere in sight.

Damn him!

I chugged down one more drink.

"That gentleman over there has bought you a drink as a compliment." the bartender offered me some weird liquid and showed me the 'gentleman '.

Some creepy pedophile was grinning nastily.

I'll pass.

"Ummmm. What if I don't want to accept the drink?" I asked the bartender. Dave, the badge read.

"You sure? Seems hot to me."

I turned back around to spot the pedophile. Him? How was he hot?

"Ummmmmm." I dragged.

The bartender sighed. Guess he figured out I was new to this.

"I'm talking about the guy in black. Not the drunken club owner."

I turned around instantly and crashed on my face as I fell off the chair.

Dave chuckled.

Thank god people were dancing and didn't notice!

"Typical Sarah Baker." a deep voice chuckled and I pulled my head up to look at a pair of sneakers.

Taylor arrived!

He picked me up in a flash like I was a feather.

Pretty strong for a 17 year old. When did he hit puberty? At 7?

"Shall we?" he guided me to the narrow hall with a mischievous smile. The only place where the music wasn't so loud.

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