I Can't Amend-2

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Chapter 19

I Can't Amend

Part 2

Sarah's P.O.V

If horror movies were supposed to be scary I don't know how to put the place Taylor was rotting in in words. I had been in jail with him but this was Frankenstein's villainous lair of finding the hobbit. I didn't even want to sound cliche but...there was the noise of water trickling down at someplace which totally spooked me. This was mission sneak out plus get Taylor out of jail planned by Dave and executed by the both of us.

“ Dave, is your dad a cop or part of the underworld?”

“ Sarah, focus.” he warned then continued walking along with me. I was fit into an over sized sweater and my jeggings were till the length of my ankles to keep me warm.

Last I remember, it was 12:40 am on my clock when Dave and I decided to go to jail.

As in free Taylor, not get stuck there.

“ I'm just getting the chills.” my goosebumps caught on and I absurdly wished that I had waxed.

The same old, dark, smelly, haunted? Tunnel of prison cells with old men and big, mean felons in line sleeping their peaceful night through made its way. Some were sleep-talking which made me jump in fright. Some snored like a yoda on hibernation.

The floor was cold as ice and the creek of the window opening and shutting due to the discontinuous flow of wind was the maximum disturbance set up by the local county jail.

I was sure it was the end of my time, that is, if some murderer escaped out of his cell.

The tune of skyfall rung in my head as I felt a little super-heroish.

I slipped on the floor and Dave caught me by my wrist.

“ Careful, B.” 'He' spoke without wasting a second. “ Don't want to get these men have attention for you.” he smirked and I lost my marbles.

I clutched Dave tightly by his hand and sat down. Taylor and I were staring at each other through the thick metal bars in between.

“ Sarah, get out of here, this is the 'No Kids Zone'” he mocked me but I took no offense.

“ We've come all the way for you,” Dave started his well-prepared speech. “ There is no way we are going back.”

Taylor cringed in pain and he crawled forward closer to the bars. I gasped. There was blood in the cell and the cold caught my breath.

“ Did they...beat you up?” I worriedly asked as I saw the huge blotches of stains.

I had seen it in the movies, cops trying to seek some answers by beating the according-to-them bad guy. It wasn't as scary in the movies as it was in real life or maybe it was my genuine concern for Taylor that shook me to the core on watching his.

“ Dave, if I ever get out which I doubt then I swear I will kill you.” he threatened with his deadly tone.

“ Hey! That's not the way to treat a friend. Now I want to say sorry.” I reached out to his ear and painfully twisted it.

He hit my arm and pretended to bite it.

“ You, Taylor are a manner less creature. I don't know why I keep up with you.” I remarked and shrugged my shoulders. The smell of burned cigarettes, tinged alcohol and dried blood finally caught on and I retracted myself further away from the other cells.

“ That's my point Sarah. Get out, you don't need to keep up with me.” he insisted but as always, now that he was behind bars I knew he couldn't carry me out of here or do any physical trick to get me out of here.

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