Too Many Secrets and Dirty Deals.

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Chapter 17:-

Too Many Secrets and Dirty Deals.

Zack Nanders>>>>


In a spur of a moment, everything comes tumbling down. All the bits and pieces of your fancy imagination fall to a place in the plunges of depth that you seek satisfaction in stepping back and glaring down the hole as if looking down at an unsolved challenge. Everything comes tumbling down. Your wishes, your reality spirals into a sad song where for finding relief, your company and your thoughts battle out their inner conflict and confront themselves with the truth.

The truth-as most conveniently stated- is harsh and pretty much not the truth until revealed. They are like revelations. Once the veil is dropped, it comes out for a lingering existence.

My life was like the sand slipping through the thin space in an hourglass. It all happened too quickly for me to retaliate or ask, 'what happened?'

Imagine living your life on a lie. Imagine knowing a secret that would destroy people, families and yourself.

I, Sarah Baker, had opened a jar of honey to let the ants crawl in and take it away.

There were too many secrets I was keeping.

The secret tale of an unjustified affair.

The secret of a family in ruins.

The secret of an unrighteous claim.

The secret of a boy with hidden scars.

The secret of my unknown love.

And the secret of my identity.

Who was I? I didn't know anymore. I had deceived myself to believe that change is for the better; that the new Sarah Baker was better.

How did my life turn from a simply-complicated one to everything-is-complicated?

“I'm here.” I spoke on the phone as I looked at the church clock minutes away from hitting dot nine.

I breathed out in the cold fog and all I saw was vapor exhaled out of my body. I was shivering but stood clear on with the determination to solve one mystery that wouldn't haunt me.

A car pulled up at a distance. Its two headlights beamed and stretched at a long distance-straight.

I pushed my hands into the pockets of my jacket and squinted my eyes to get a better look.

“I didn't expect you to come.” He spoke. His voice icy, disconnected.

“I guess people have had the habit of underestimating and making false assumptions about me for so long, that it is finally time to shove it down their throats that I am not like that anymore and everything is not what it seems.”

I smirked and I bobbed my head in the central garden's direction.

I strolled in the garden while looking at the stars beautifully shining in the sky. My lips curved in a smile as I recalled the night I had spent with Taylor and had run from cops.

I hadn't just run away from the cops, but also myself. The old me would've stayed and waited to spill out to the cops. That was my first step of badas*-ism.

The aura of being around Taylor was different. I was freer, livelier and there was this appeal to life in a way I had never seen before. True; he lived life differently. Way more different from any other person I knew, but he knew how to live life once and not regret it. To find peace at the moment you are in. To go with the flow and not coagulate yourself with the pressure of what may come.

Oops! Did I Spill It Out? (More Soon)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora