Shake that!

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Chapter 5:-

Shake that!


When the sun rises and the stars fade from view it signifies the start of a new day. New day, new beginnings, some people say . I wasn't the best optimist anyone could find around but putting up a fake smile didn't hurt anybody except my gums.

I had been awake since four am . I forgot to close the window and had dozed off but the nightmares made it easy not to let them open anymore . I had become the creepy neighbour whose curtains never open and could be doing some crazy experiment for the creation of Frankenstein .

Who was I scared of? Helen Taylor ? Shouldn't she be scared of me , a potential secret spiller? I could blackmail my way through senior year by this witnessed indecent incident .

As for Mr. Hemmings. I don't think I could face him. Infact, I couldn't face any of them. Their wrong doings were having an effect on me! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think, I couldn't study . With such times, I could die !

Here lies Sarah Baker's grave. Young, tamed, innocent girl who lost herself due to witnessed adultery.

But dying young meant a funeral. And if Helen Taylor and Alan Hemmings ever attended my funeral, I'd die again.

If I did take blackmail as a license to survive, I'd imagine I'd suffer death by kill and Helen and Alan would be spitting on my grave.

No one likes to be spitted on death . It hurts the non-functional heart.

Wearing my tie and tightening it at one end, I folded my collar. Uniforms .... Need I say more?

Why were there uniforms ? As if we'd be in the same building and forget which school we're in. Pffft. Were the students really the ones who needed to be educated ? Let's leave it to that.

There were uniforms for every occasion . We had a sports day in a week. A special sports week requiring another set of colourful clothes . Then there were different uniforms for the seasons. Son, if I open a market selling these uniforms, I be so rich , ain't I need no education.

We also had bags provided by the school. I am not a nursery class kid, I'm an adult. Sorta.

Well, my mental level was certainly higher than apes who thought f*cking young birdies was fun.

Don't go there. Deep breathe in . Deep breathe out. In... And out. Yeah, my sudden development of interest towards meditation fascinated me. When I told mom I wanted to do so to remove any sort of distraction, she sucker punched me to the ground and cried how I was someone else in her daughter's body. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little but lecture topia knocked at my door again.

Socks pulled up, bag on shoulders, neatly combed hair, skirt well ironed, shirt tucked in, blazer worn. Okay, check! I was ready. Externally yes, in my mind , no!

One look at the poster of Demi stuck over the bed post brought all the strength I needed. Stay strong.

Aye Aye lovatain!


Tringgggggg.....The bell rang.

"Did I do something to make you mad ?" Hannah asked. Poor girl ! I had been preoccupied the whole day making it my mission to avoid the partners in s*x.

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