My walls are broken.

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Chapter 15:-

My walls are broken.


Let it go

Let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

“ Good morning sunshine.” the words echoed in my head as my eyes fluttered trying to get accustomed to the morning light.

I rubbed my eyes softly with my hands to brush off the sleep away. Yawning, I scratched my head and shut my eyes to go for another round of sweet dreams.

Let it go

Let it go

Turn my back and slam the door

Who was playing songs in the morning?

Come to think of my bladder, 'Let it go' seemed like a good song when wanting to pee.

Maybe if I was in the bathroom...

Don't let them in

Don't let them see

Be the good girl you always have to be

Conceal don't feel

Don't let them know

But now they know

And pee excretion was in process...

Let it go

Let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

This song would be completely inappropriately appropriate.

I sat up on bed with my eyes feeling very tiny and 


. I grunted as I rubbed my nose frivolously.

“ B, you're finally awake.” Taylor commented.

I looked at him sitting in front of my bed without his jacket and my dads clothes.

I was so sleepy.

“ Wake up, B!” he raised his voice while I drifted off...

“ I've just risen from my grave, excuse me while I try to come back from the dead.”  I sarcastically spoke and lay down. The bed and I were in an open relationship. It was my Bae. And Taylor was this guy in school who was in my bedroom?

“ No, it's a dream.”

“ How?”  I managed to mumble very softly adjusting my face with the pillow.

“ You speak your thoughts out loud.” he explained shaking his head.  “ So, now I know you see me in your dreams too, I am just irresistible.” he flaunted and I gagged.

Those days were far to come.

“ Yeah, right. Like I would dream about you.” I snarled and I shut my eyes for one last minute of sleep.


Had my level stopped so low that I had dreamed about Taylor? No way, right? Right?

I was going crazy. He was messing with my head and whatever his fishy plan was, it was working.

When I reached school, however, I had no time to think of Taylor as I met Helen and she had her drama going on.

“ Something major happened.” Helen revealed with extreme anxiety. She came into the hall, almost running and whispered the words.

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