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Burak smiled at Kıvılcım's words. Omer left the building. He stood and looked for Kıvılcım. On the right side of the wall he noticed Burak and Kıvılcım. He went towards them.

Omer: Kıvılcım, are you okay?

Kıvılcım got scared. She was afraid he'd heard what she said.

Burak: She felt bad, but she's better now.
Omer: Sure? I was scared.
Kıvılcım: No need. I'm fine.
Omer: That's good. I'll drive you home.
Burak: Ok-
Kıvılcım: No. Your girlfriend is waiting inside. Don't leave her alone. We'll go home ourselves.
Burak [whisper]: What are you doing?
Kıvılcım [crying]: Burak, please.
Burak: Okay, fine. So, Omer, thank you for the offer, but it's better if I go back alone with my sister.
Omer: Fine. Get well soon, Kıvılcım.
Kıvılcım: Thank you.

Kıvılcım and Burak got into the car and drove home. All the way back home, she looked at the window and cried. Burak looked at her every moment. He felt sorry for her. He hated it when his sister was sad.

Burak: I'm sorry. It's my fault.
Kıvılcım: No. Don't blame yourself. It happened and that's it.
Burak: It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't led you to him.
Kıvılcım: Ugh... why? Why him?
Burak: That's life. We never predict what might happen.
Kıvılcım: I just broke up with Selim, and I'm starting to have feelings for a man who's in a relationship. I hate myself.

He stopped the car.

Burak: Look at me. It may be hard for you, but it will pass. You'll see.
Kıvılcım: I don't think so. I can't stop thinking about him.


The next morning, Omer came to work an hour later than usual. He said hello to the staff and went to his office. On the way he passed Kıvılcım's office, but did not see anyone inside. He went into his office. Omer sat down at his desk and called his assistant - Ozan.

Ozan: You called me, sir.
Omer: Yes. Do you know if Kıvılcım came to work?
Ozan: No. She's not here.
Omer: Hm... she always comes to work on time.
Ozan: Maybe she's got a meeting outside the company.
Omer: No. I'm sure not.
Ozan: I'll find out everything in a minute.
Omer: Okay. I'm going to see Mr. Cihan now. If you know anything, come here.
Ozan: I understand.
Omer: Thank you.

Omer went to Mr. Cihan's office. His assistant knocked on the door and informed him of Omer's visit. After a while, she let him in.

Cihan: Hello Omer.
Omer: Good morning, Mr. Cihan.
Cihan: What do you want to talk about?
Omer: I haven't seen Kıvılcım. Do you know if she will be today?
Cihan: She took the day off. She'll be gone for a few days.
Omer: Few days?
Cihan: Something happened?
Omer: Eeee, no. I was just surprised she wasn't at work.
Cihan: That's true. I was surprised, too. She's never had a day off from work before.
Omer: Never?
Cihan: No. It must be something serious if she's not at work.

Omer began to wonder about her absence. 'Is it because of what happened last night, or is there something wrong with her health?'

Cihan: Omer?
Omer: Yes?
Cihan: Everything okay?
Omer: Yes. Thank you so much for giving me your time. Goodbye.
Cihan: You're welcome. Goodbye.

Kıvılcım was in bed the whole time. Her eyes were red from crying. Burak was afraid to leave her alone, so he stayed with her. Someone called her. She took it in her hand to see who was calling. It's Omer.

Kıvılcım: No. Omer, no.

She threw the phone on the bed and started crying even more. Omer called her the whole time. He was waiting for her to answer his phone. After ten minutes, she finally answered the phone.

Is this love ...?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن