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Omer went to Istanbul to look for Kıvılcım. He called Ozan to give him her home address. He was very upset. He did not expect such a reaction from Kıvılcım. Meanwhile, Mert called him.

Mert: Brother, where are you? Parents want to talk to you.

Omer: I'm going to Istanbul. I need to talk to Kıvılcım.

Mert: She left?

Omer: Yes. I need to find her.

Mert: You'll find it. Do you love her? Seriously?

Omer: Yes. A lot. I can't live without her.

Mert: Good luck. I'll talk with parents, and you go to her place.

Omer: Thanks.

Kıvılcım came to the building where she lives. She went into the apartment. She saw someone's shoes. She put down her keys and her suitcase and went to the living room. Her parents, sister and brother were sitting there. She walked up to them and sat down on the couch. Kıvılcım knew why they came.

Orhan: We need to talk.

Kıvılcım: About what?

Orhan: You know what.

Kıvılcım: I ...

Orhan: What a shame! You're engaged to Haluk Ünal's younger son and you haven't told us anything about it! We're learning it from the newspapers. What's that supposed to mean?

Kıvılcım: This is not like that.

Sonmez: I don't understand?

Kıvılcım: We're not engaged.

They looked at her with surprise.

Orhan: What do you mean you're not engaged? So, what, these articles are a lie? You're both in the pictures.

Kıvılcım: I mean... it was a lie about the engagement.

Burak: I don't understand. You lied to everyone saying you were engaged?

Kıvılcım: We went to Izmir for vacation, but on the spot it turned out to be completely different. We came to his parents' house and he introduced me to them as his fiancée.

Orhan: WHAT?!

Sonmez: What are you saying, daughter?

Kıvılcım: I owed him a favor, and I said yes, even though I was against it. His parents threw a party and someone took a picture and shared it with the press. We had a fight today, and he confessed everything to his family. He introduced me to his family as his fiancée so they wouldn't marry him to some other woman.

Orhan: Can you hear yourself? What have you got yourself into, girl? What happened to you? You are not Kıvılcım, my daughter. You're someone else, I don't recognize you.

Kıvılcım: Don't say that, dad.

Tears came out of their eyes. Alev and Burak were shocked at what they heard.

Sonmez: Orhan, calm down. You'll regret your words.

Orhan: I won't. Where's Selim?

Burak: What's he for?

Orhan: You'll marry him.

Kıvılcım: Dad, what are you doing?

Orhan: You'll marry him!

Sonmez: Orhan, calm down, please.

Orhan: Don't tell me what to do.

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