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Kıvılcım didn't expect to meet Omer. She was in shock. They both looked into each other's eyes, she was terrified, and he was angry.

Kıvılcım: O-Omer.

Omer: Yes, Omer. Your husband. What were you doing with that man? He kissed you!

Kıvılcım: Yes, he kissed me but I pushed him away because I have a husband. I won't let him do what he did.

Omer: We're going home! I won't let that man be near you.

Kıvılcım: I'm not going anywhere with you!

Omer: I said, let's go.

Kıvılcım: NO!

Omer: Okay, fine. Where did you meet him?

Kıvılcım: I met him in the hospital.

Omer: In the hospital? What were you doing in the hospital?

Kıvılcım: WHAT WERE YOU doing at the hospital?

Omer: I... no. Why would I go to the hospital?

Kıvılcım: You lie.

Omer: I'm not lying. I went to a meeting.

She took the phone out of her pocket and showed him the photo she had taken of him and Aslı. Omer didn't know what to do.

Kıvılcım: Omer, I didn't mean to. I hate to eavesdrop on people's conversations, but you didn't back at the boat for a long time. I went to your place and I overheard your conversation... with Aslı.

Omer: Is that why you wanted to come back sooner?

Kıvılcım: Yes. It was a beautiful evening until then. I was sick. Then I thought you'd tell me, but I was wrong.

Omer: Kıvılcım, it's not what you think, honey.

Kıvılcım: Am I supposed to believe that? I saw you both at the hospital. You were so happy. Even at our wedding, you weren't as delighted as you were then...

Omer interrupted her.

Omer: Kıvılcım

Kıvılcım: Don't interrupt me. I'm not done talking. I was hurt by what I saw. It hurts me, Omer.

Omer: I heard my baby's heartbeat. It was a special moment.

Kıvılcım: I don't doubt it, but maybe things would have been different if you'd told me all this sooner.

She left him with tears in her eyes. She got in a taxi and went to their apartment. Omer was mad at himself. He ran to his car and followed her. He was hitting the steering wheel and screaming. Once again, they argued because of him.

Selim was watching the whole situation. Shortly after Kıvılcım and Omer left, he called Aslı.

Selim: They argued.

Aslı: Beautiful! Do you know what they argued about?

Selim: That he was with you at the hospital today.

Aslı: Hahaha, what a wonderful information. Another step forward. Soon Kıvılcım won't last and will leave Omer, and then I'll take her place. Ehhhhh, I can't wait!

Selim: For you, the situation is simpler.

Aslı: For me?

Selim: Kıvılcım told me you ruined their party and told me about their relationship. Aslı, she loves him! Even though she's mad at him, she still loves him.

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