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Omer visited Kıvılcım for several following days. He sat beside her bed and told her what he did during the day. Even though he didn't get a response, he felt she could hear him and would know what was going on.

Doctors checked her health condition every day. There was a slight improvement, but not enough to bring her out of the coma. They gave them hope that wasn't there immediately after surgery. Omer always believed that one day she would wake up.

It's been a week since the operation. Omer came to the hospital like he did every day. He kissed her on the forehead and sat on the chair next to her.

Omer: Hello, darling. I was at work again today. Everyone asks about you, they miss you. Mr. Cihan is looking forward to your return to work. You're missing there, but I believe you'll wake up soon and clear out because the workers have become lazy [he laughed]. I'm going to the store tomorrow to pick up some furniture. I decided to renovate one room in our apartment and make it a dressing room. You'll have more space for your clothes. But when you wake up, we'll go pick out some new bedroom furniture together.

Doctor: you don't give up.

Omer: Good morning, doctor. No.

Doctor: Good morning. We did another test today. If things go the way we think they do, in a few days we'll be able to start waking her out of the coma.

Omer: Really? Will she wake up?

Doctor: I think so. There are minimal responses to external stimuli. That bodes well.

Omer laughed and at the same time tears came from his eyes.

Omer: I am very happy! This is very good news.

Doctor: They'll be better when she wakes up.

Omer: I know, but the fact that her health condition has improved makes me very happy.

Doctor: You're finally smiling. Don't give up, and your fiancée won't give up either.

Omer: I'll do that. Thank you very much.

Doctor: You're welcome.

The doctor left the room. Omer sat with Kıvılcım until late in the evening. He didn't want to part with her, but like every day, he told her he'd be back the next day.


Omer came to the building where he lives. He got out of the car and went to the apartment. He returned to an empty apartment again. It was quiet. He misses her company. Omer lay down on the bed in their bedroom, took the pillow on which she was sleeping on, squeezed her tightly, and started crying.

The next day, he went to work. He was tired, he couldn't do anything. Omer went into his office and sat down on the couch. Ozan brought him coffee to wake him up.

Ozan: I hope this helps you.

Omer: Thank you. I hope so.

Ozan: How is Mrs. Kıvılcım?

Omer: She's still in a coma, but there's minimal improvement.

Ozan: That's something. I believe she will return to us soon. We miss her here.

Omer: I know. I miss her too.

He did what he was supposed to do and went to the hospital to visit Kıvılcım. He went into the room where she was lying and walked up to her. Omer kissed her on the forehead and sat down next to her. He told her what he did during the day. He told her the same thing every day. He didn't get bored. It kept him alive.

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