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Kıvılcım was discharged home after a few days. Omer picked her up from the hospital and they went to their apartment together. He opened the door and they went inside. She was weak, so she went straight to the bedroom to lie down. Omer went to unpack her clothes out of the bag and put them in the laundry. When he had all figured out, he went to the bedroom and saw that Kıvılcım had fallen asleep. He leaned against the door-frame and looked at it. After a while, he lay down in bed and hugged her. She grabbed his hand and hugged him too.

The next morning, Kıvılcım woke up first. She went to the kitchen to get her meds. She poured water into a glass and swallowed the pills. She waited half an hour and started making breakfast. When she tried to get the plate out of the cupboard, she got dizzy and started losing her balance. At that point, Omer walked into the kitchen and noticed it. He immediately ran up to her and grabbed her.

Omer: Is everything fine?

Kıvılcım: Yes. I just got dizzy.

Omer: Come on, you sit on the sofa and I'll make breakfast.

Kıvılcım: No, it's all right. It was temporary.

Omer: Kıvılcım, you just got out of the hospital. You had major surgery and you were in a coma. These aren't jokes. You should rest.

Kıvılcım: Darling, I'm fine. I'm hungry, that's why.

Omer: Then I'll make breakfast, and you wait in the living room, okay?

Kıvılcım: I don't have any other option?

Omer: No. [he smiled]

Kıvılcım went to the living room to sit on the couch. Omer watched her until she sat down. He went back to the kitchen and started making breakfast. He took some eggs and some other ingredients and made scrambled eggs. He brewed tea, put everything on a tray, and took it to the living room. He placed the trays on the table and handed Kıvılcım a plate.

Kıvılcım: Thank you.

Omer: Bon appetit.

They ate breakfast and started cleaning the table.

Omer: Honey, I'll take it.

Kıvılcım: I'm fine. I can take a plate. Do not exaggerate.

Omer: I'll clean it up. You sit down and rest.

Kıvılcım: Omer.

Omer: You can't overwork yourself.


Omer was surprised by her reaction.

Omer: Did you hear what the doctor said?

Kıvılcım: I heard. I wanted to carry a plate, and you're treating it like I'm lifting a brick. Don't do it.

Omer: I'm worried about you, understand!

Kıvılcım: No need.

He put the dishes on the table and sat down with her on the couch. He grabbed her hand and started talking.

Omer: How am I not supposed to worry? Tell me how? You were in the hospital in a coma! We didn't know if you'd survive. What don't you understand? I was dying there, dying of helplessness. I should be lying there, not you. [Tears came into his eyes] If something happened to you ... [He took her hand and put it to his chest where the heart is] this heart would stop beating.

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