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The judge concluded the trial by stating that both parties did not agree to the divorce. Omer, Kıvılcım and Selim left the courtroom. Omer grabbed him by the arms and started jerking him. Kıvılcım tried to separate them.

Kıvılcım: Omer, let him go!

Omer: How do you know Aslı? How do you know she's not pregnant?

Selim: I... I met her at a bar. I mean, she knew who I was because she checked me out. She knew I was with Kıvılcım. She wanted to use it to get you back. I was stupid and I got sucked into it. She told me you'd be with her and I'd be with Kıvılcım.

Kıvılcım: This is crazy.

Omer: WHAT?!

Selim: I didn't know she could ruin your life like this.

Omer: You didn't know?

Selim: I swear. What she told me in the beginning is not what she's doing now.

Kıvılcım: If she's not pregnant, does she have a fake pregnancy belly? How was this not noticed during the ultrasound?

Selim: Her friend took care of everything. She did everything to make it look realistic.

Omer: I will kill her!

Kıvılcım: Selim, sorry but that sounds a little unrealistic. On the one hand, I want to believe it, but on the other...

Selim: You're right, and I apologize. What I say is true.

Omer: Thank you for saying all this, but it doesn't change the fact that you're guilty of it, too.

Selim: I know. You don't even know how stupid I feel. I believed Kıvılıcm would come back to me, but it is visible from a distance that you both love each other very much. Even when you're arguing.

They laughed.

Omer: Do you know where she is now?

Selim: In her house.

Omer: Address?

Selim: Same as always. She didn't move out.

Omer: Do you think I remember where it is?

Selim: Eeeeeee, no. I'll send you the location.

Kıvılcım: I'll go with you.

Omer: No! Go back home. I'll come soon.

Kıvılcım: No. I won't let that happen. I don't want you to do anything stupid.

He went up to her, put his hands on her face and kissed her.

Omer: Darling, don't worry. I'll just talk to her and come back.

Kıvılcım: I don't believe you.

Omer: Same thing again! I'm serious.

Kıvılcım: It's better if I go with you.

Omer: Kıvılcım, please! Go back home. I don't want her to hurt you.

Kıvılcım: But...

Omer: NO!

Kıvılcım returned to Burak's house. She explained to him what happened in court. Omer went to Aslı to talk to her. He arrived at the indicated address and entered the building. He knocked on the door and after a moment Aslı opened the door for him. She was shocked when she saw him. Omer was furious. He went inside and searched the whole house.

Aslı: Omer...


Aslı: I'll explain everything to you, just don't yell at me.

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