Chapter 2

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(557 words)

     Uzi stuck her hand in N's mouth to neutralize the nanites. "Sweet uh..." N paused and looked at Z, "I'm open to new things I guess." N looked slightly uncomfortable but kept going along with it.

"We are never talking about this again," Uzi said as she got up from the chair.

"Talking about what? I uh- consider it... repressed!" N said, crossing his hands over his chest as Z giggled seeing how stupid he looked.

" ...Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?" Uzi said with a slightly scared look on her face.

"Oh, yeah. Two others." Z replied.

"They're out hunting for a bit but you'll love them!" N added.

"First there's V." Z started. "She is a ruthless hunter sometimes but she's cool."

"There's obviously, a lot of mutual respect between her and I." N smiled. Z knew that he wasn't treated great by V but something still drew Z towards her. 

"N actually has a crush on her." Z smiled smugly.

"What?! No, I don't!" N yelled pushing Z away, "Don't listen to Z!"

Z shoved him back, "Then there's J, our leader and she always tells us -mostly N- how useless we are. She is getting orders from someone but I'm not sure how."

"J's awesome. Hey, let me give you the tour! Outside are the corpse... wall... thingies. In here are the buttons!" N started clicking around.

Uzi wasn't paying attention, instead, she was looking around the broken landing pod. Suddenly she jumped up. "This... isn't just a landing pod... This is a spaceship! This could get us off the planet!"

"More of a one-use missile. They never taught us how to land." N made a motion of the ship crashing with his hands.

"No, I, uh, uh, the worker drones, we could work with them to fix this! Instead of all the murder! ...Which, uh, why are we doing that again...?" Uzi questioned.

" Other than ingesting their WARM, SWEET oil to avoid overheating and dying? I guess N just wants to be useful and I want to help him since he's my friend." Z smiled at N.

"And look at all the respect it's gotten you guys! You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?" 

"Oh my, you sure are rebellious! It's kind of exciting. But, not as fun as, uh, following the rules..." N pointed finger guns. Just then they all heard three loud thuds on the top of the landing pod.

"Hey, they're back! You- " N looked back only to find Uzi missing, he looked at Z confused as she shared the same look.

"Idiots! Get out here!" J said from outside the pod.

N and Z walked outside, "Yo, we got a worker out there I kind of want to practice balloon animal shapes with. ...What happened here?" V giggled before looking at Z and N, their heads showing that they were knocked offline.

"Synergistic Liabilitys here must have tripped and knocked themselves offline," J said, rolling her eyes as she slapped both N and to fix the problem, "Moron bots, helloooo?"

N and Z recapped the last 3 hours and realized Uzi was a worker drone. N looked at Z before speaking, "Oh..."

Z looked out in the distance discovering Uzi left, "You know, w-we left an-an extremely dangerous weap- excuseoutside...!" Z grabbed N's arm and started running.

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