Chapter 10

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(924 words)

     A girl moved up her canoe which was on the frozen lake, with N and a few other girls. She giggled and shushed her friend before she walked over to N, "So, my friend wanted to know if you'd kill her family. And if you're singleeee!" She laughed again.

Thad and another boy were holding a canoe up which had V and Lizzy in it, "Make way for the canoe train!" The boy exclaimed as he ran around the canoe that Z was in, alone. Nobody wanted to be with Z, everyone wanted to be with N or V, why was she alone?

"Sabotage, minions! Plan X!" V yells, laughing. The two boys try to kick N's canoe but end up slipping and falling, sending V and Lizzy flying into the air, landing hard on the ice. As V looked up she noticed that Z wasn't there, she was gone. V started to get worried and flew away to find her.


Z slipped off into the woods to find Uzi, she didn't exactly know what Uzi was looking for but anything was better than being out there. "Hey," Z crawled in through the broken roof.

Uzi flipped back around holding her hand out with the solver, "Oh robo-jesus!"

"Woah! Relax, it's just me." Z crawled off the roof and onto the ground, sitting criss-cross watching Uzi investigate the area. Uzi seemed to not even notice her either. "Umm... Uzi?"

Uzi picked up the hat of a worker drone before throwing it behind her, "Yeah?"

"This might be stupid but, do you ever feel worthless? Almost like if you just died right now nobody would notice?" Z asked, not making eye contact as she scratched the wood on the ground of the cabin.

Uzi was caught off guard by Z's question, she stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at Z, slightly surprised, "I- umm yea, yes I do... Wait, I thought you were getting along with everyone there, you know my classmates?"

"Yeah well they are only really interested in N and V, so..."

Just then V came through the ceiling giggling, playing off the fact she was ever worried. "Tick tock..."

Z and Uzi jump back surprised, "H-hey, s-stupid... idiot..." Uzi stuttered as she was caught off guard.

"Weren't you just-" V completely ignored Z and interrupted her. 'I fucking hate V." Z thought.

"Uzi you said this camp would help us catch that red-eyed Doll freak. How about more 'explore-y' and less 'girlfriend chitchats' or whatever it is that you two are doing.." V looked at Z.

V points out a hand and Uzi swipes it away, she groans, "Working on it. Just... So glad you and N fit right in!"

Z glances at V, looking up at her. "Better to stay distant, though... Don'tcha think? Since I'll have to kill you next." V says as she takes out one of her knife fingers and scratches Uzi's vizor screen next to her eye. "N made friends with rocks, by the way, he'll move on just fine. And Z," Z glances up again at the sound of her name, "We need you back."

"Oh... fine I'm coming." The two of them fly out of the abandoned cabin and back to the camp, leaving Uzi alone.


The campers and disassembly drones are all together at a place in Camp 98.7 with archery. N fires the arrow multiple times at the target hitting it spot-on and causing the arrows to burst into flames. "Ah! Sorry-! ...did I cheat?" He looks at the campers who don't respond, one gets shot in the head and falls to the ground as V jumps down from above.

"Hmm, you didn't kill everyone here. Check this out!" V turns around with the arrow drawn back and points it at the campers. They nervously clap and Z rolls her eyes.

Z spotted Uzi coming back to the campsite holding some sort of bug. Uzi seemed to be signaling at N. "Psst... hey..." She whispered at N to get his attention, also spotting Z and waving at her. N turns around to see Uzi standing there with the bug.


Z gave Uzi a thumbs up but N... wasn't getting the idea. "Uzi, get on out here!" N yelled in her direction.

[Bug]: D: (the bug flees)

Z and Uzi made the same face, "This troop's a team!" N yelled again cheerfully causing V to turn around and look directly at Uzi. N suddenly got the idea, "WAIT! NO! INCLUSIVE REFLEXES!"

Uzi came out from behind the tree, "Uhh hehe, hey everyoneeee..." Everyone screams at her presence, a boy gets startled and accidentally shoots an arrow towards Uzi. She uses her power to stop it from hitting her face. She starts to lose control and her body starts boiling, the arrow explodes and turns into a bloody goopy moving mess. Uzi was nervous and freaked out, "Um, ignore all of this! Uh... I was just... going... I LIVE IN THE WOODS NOW!"

"Who was that?" A boy asked.

Z saw the anger and fear in V's eyes, she knew V knew something, she had to be hiding something it was the only reasonable explanation. V was about to walk towards Uzi but Z grabbed her arm tightly, V looked at her and paused, "V... please don't go out there..." V sighed and yanked Z's hand off her arm. Z let go of her arm and offered out a hand instead. V looked very hesitant to accept the offer, droning around whether she should hold Z's hand or not. She eventually grabbed Z's hand awkwardly, standing beside her.

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