Chapter 22

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(780 words)

     The sentinels start approaching and Tessa cuts her hand open. "Uh oh! Hope I don't human everywhere!" The blood squirts out of her and all over the ground. The sentinels turn their heads uninterested and Tessa leans on her sword, pretending to relax smugly, confident that she saved everyone. The raptor with red eyes looked at the blood and then licked the blood from Tessa's arm off its teeth.

Tessa realizes that the raptor has a new taste for blood and frantically grabs her sword. V crawls onto the ceiling and Z runs in front of Tessa, pushing her out of the way to fight the sentinel. E was next to N and Uzi who were trying to figure something out. "I could probably use my laser to cut through the wall into the elevator but I don't know if that would work." E explained to N.

"I've got a better idea." Uzi pulls out her hand to use the solver.

"Uzi no!" N yells. It was too late, she ripped a hole in the elevator but her hand was taken over by someone or something else, turning yellow and not letting her control it. Her fingers bend, crack, and contort in ways they shouldn't move.

The highly advanced sentinel pulls a drone arm out of its mouth, switching the hand to a gun with its teeth. It fired a bullet at Z. E looked back at her. "NO! Z!" But before the bullet can hit her face, V runs in and grabs the bullet with her bare claws. It spun in V's hand, inches away from her face. V spun around and threw the bullet at the drone arm, going faster than it had been shot, disarming the sentinel. Z looks up at V to her wearing her glasses, sharpening her vision even more and making her immune to the flashes of the raptors.

"Did I get it...?" She asked while looking at Z to make sure she was okay.

"V I-" She got cut off my a scared yell from E.

Uzi started freaking out as she couldn't control herself, she breathed heavily and panicked. With no other choice, N knew what he had to do but was uncertain. "N you know what you need to do! Just do it!" E yelled as N pulled out his sword hand, swinging it towards Uzi's hand and cutting it off. She started falling backwards and as she did, for a split second her eyes turned yellow with a wild grin. There was a message that read 'MISS ME?'. N and E looked at each other in horror and shock before bending down to help Uzi.

N catches Uzi in his arms and E rushes over to help. He ties up Uzi's wrist which had oil flowing out of it. He used the same method that Z had when she helped him. Uzi's voice started glitching and so did her eyes between purple and yellow. "W-h-what-at th-e-e hel-ll i-is goin-ng-g o-n-n-n?!" Uzi sounded terrified and so was N, but he needed to stay strong for her.

"Bugger. That's bad. Come on team!" Tessa yells as everyone rushes into the elevator, everyone but V. She is still fighting the raptors.

"V! Come on!" N yells as the elevator gets stuck. She continues to ignore them and knocks the sentinel to the ground, turning around.

Z started to cry, "V! Please V come on!" She didn't listen. As she pulls out a gun to the sentinel, another short circuits the power to the elevator, causing it to slowly rise. V flips her head around to think about her next move. The sentinels start flashing at the group in the elevator, who are all crouching down. One tries to flash directly at V who whips her head around, avoiding the light and knocking her glasses off. A raptor crushed them and corners V.

"Hey... umm..." V says, still closing her eyes.

"NO! NO! NO! V WE NEED YOU!" N yelled.

"V PLEASE I NEED YOU DON'T DO THIS PLEASE!" Z said, sobbing as E tried to hold her back and prevent her from getting flashed.

"Z! STOP DON'T LOOK!" E tried to protect her.

"Nah." V turns to Uzi. "Uzi, I trust you. And E." E looks at her slightly, hearing his name. "I trust you to take care of Z for me, look after her." E sadly nods and pulls Z back into the elevator so she can cut the cables. V slashes the cables letting them start to break and signals a final salute as the raptors run after her.

"V PLEASE!" N yells.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" Z cries as the cables snap, letting them fall down the elevator shaft. "V I NEED YOU!" The elevator fell.

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