Chapter 9

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     Uzi, N, Z, and V were all on a school field trip along with the other students from Uzi's class. All of them were on a bus and Z had recognized some of them from the dance but not many. Uzi had recommended to her teacher that they go on a field trip to a place called Camp 98.7. Uzi had told Z that there might be something there that could help Uzi figure out "What the fuck is wrong with me" (her words). That week had been... difficult for all of them. Z was having these weird feelings, Uzi was freaking out, N was trying to help but couldn't, and V was just chaotic. Z had spent some more time with V while N was mostly with Uzi. V wasn't that bad, other than her insane joy for killing drones, she was actually fun to talk to, although there was something that attracted Z to her. Uzi had been pacing around N's room while ranting about the solver that they found Uzi had too. Everyone was confused and exhausted.

The bus slowly came to a stop as they pulled up next to a sign almost completely covered in snow. Through the snow you could make out the words Camp and .7 but nothing other than that. The sign confirmed their arrival and the students started to line up to exit the bus.

It was cold, snowy, and gray looking, as usual. There was a soft whistling in the wind as the light snow picked up off the ground, blowing around. There were sounds of crunching beneath the drones feet as they stepped down onto the snow and out of the bus doors. They left footprints in the snow only for them to be trampled over by more.

The boy who stepped out first stopped and put his hands on his hips, "Do you ever wonder why-" He suddenly gets cut off as he's shoved to the ground by a girl who was pushed by another drone behind her, dropping her book in the process.

"Hey!" The girl yelled as she picked up her book and ran off behind the other students who were already outside the bus.

"No kidding!" Thad said as he and Lizzy went off the bus as well laughing at the scene.

Uzi was the last one out of the bus, behind V. Uzi had her regular outfit of a hoodie, beanie, boots, leg warmers, and a shirt on while N, Z, and V were dressed in camp counselor outfits. N was wearing black shorts and a brown collared shirt along with a matching hat, making him look like a Boy Scout. Z and V on the other hand both had collared shirts which were green and a little tighter than N's shirt. V's were cropped and Z's weren't. V and Z both had the same tighter and shorter shorts, but Z's were brown and V's were black and overall more feminine looking. V had always worn more feminine clothing which fit her figure well. V's body was overall more feminine and curved than Z's. V also wore a hat but Z kept her hair tied up messily into a ponytail, her long hair reaching down her back.

Uzi's teacher climbed on top of a snow-covered roof after they had all gotten out of the bus set out a pink and blue beach chair and pulled out a magazine. He had planned to ignore all of his students and leave the work to the murder drones who had volunteered (N volunteered the three) to be the counselors on the field trip.

A boy looks up to the teacher on the roof in confusion, "So uhhh teacher, what is this field trip?"

"Yea. Uzi's idea. Ask her." He replied flatly without looking up from his magazine.

"Who?" The boy scoffs.

"I've sat next to you for years...?" Uzi says as everyone jumps at her voice. "Bite me! I asked to go alone. He's mad at your test scores!" Uzi points at the teacher.

The teacher rolls his eyes, "No year-end bonus, no learning."

The boy scoffed yet again, "So we are just unsupervised?" As he said that, Z, N, and V came out from behind the bus, flying to an open spot on the snow and landing quickly with a thud. They looked back at the students with X's on their visor screens and big smiles across their faces showing sharp teeth, ready to ingest their warm oil. Suddenly they turned around and N smiled brightly.

"Welcome campers! Let's sound off!" N goes to do a roll-call but instead starts to count, "One, two..." V shoots one of the students and the drone falls dead to the ground as the oil starts to pour out of their head.

All the students get scared and shout in sync, "THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN!" They all said quickly in fear of getting shot by V. Z finds herself looking at V and having a strange feeling as she does; it's quickly interrupted though by V looking back at her confused, locking eye contact. Z quickly looked down at her feet.

"Okay, that's everyone!" N smiled.

Z looked at V and whispered, "Minus one..."

"We have so many fun and distracting activities planned for all of you! So no sneaking off away from everyone to investigate stuff!" N tried to play it off as he signaled to Uzi.

"To the bunks!" Z nervously laughed.

N starts leading the way but quickly realizes that nobody is following him. He awkwardly pauses for a second, embarrassed.

"Sounds good, N!" Thad walks up and stands near N.

"Anything for my bestieeee!!" Lizzy walks up and stands next to V and smiles up at her. It made Z feel... weird... Jealous? Why was she jealous that Lizzy was friends with her friend? Why was she jealous that V didn't like her as much?

Nobody else joins the disassembly drones other than Thad and Lizzy, "Y-yea they're like my friends too... so it's cool..." Uzi says, still behind everyone else. The rest of the students yell, startled by Uzi's mere presence as they run up to N, Z, and V.

The same girl who had dropped her book off the bus ran up to N and grabbed his hand, "You can be our friend, little guy!" Hearing this again made Z have that weird feeling, not as strongly as with V though. Nobody was standing near Z, everyone was near N and V. Z slightly backed away from everyone else and looked at Uzi, she looked at Z and then the ground before running off into the woods.

"Poor things defective?" A boy looks up at V poking her eye.

V grabs his hand tightly, "Nah, just full of love. This one here's a pilot!" She pointed at N.

"Wow, a pilot!" Another girl squealed and giggled.

Z began to feel jealous again as she backed up even more, everything starting to fade out as she blocked out the conversation, compliments, and giggles. 

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