Chapter 6

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AN: So this one is a bit longer but I hope you like it!! (1119 words)

"Ugh, I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!" Uzi complained while standing outside with N and Z.

"You good Uzi?" Z asked, watching her.

"I'm good! I'm better than good! I am God!" Uzi cried but stopped once she saw Thad. "Hi, hi, Thad." She laughed nervously as he handed Uzi her railgun, "Thank you..."

"You saved my life! I- I don't think the colony's even serious about all this banishment stuff! More just confused and especially the fact-" Uzi cut him off.

"I'm too rouge to re-enter society now?"

"...Recent disappearances? And your murder friend's corpse?" Thad paused for a second, "When I went to grab your gun, it kinda looked like it... crawled... away?"

"We can return a little..." Z said, "But I mean I'm sure it's nothing."

Uzi, N, Z, and Thad walked over to the recently repaired door 1. It was the only door fixed since N and Z had broken in. There was a worker drone at the door. Uzi knocked and he opened it slightly, "Welcome back Thad! Wait, isn't she grounded or something?"

"Is that what my dad is saying?! I'm not grounded! I'm BANISHED!" Uzi scoffed and looked away from the door.

"And you are here with Thad and... genocide robots?" The drone looked a bit scared. Z elbowed N in the arm. N turned his head to her confused but then got the point. N sheepishly looked at his feet as he walked to the door. N handed the drone a card. The front had a drawing scribbled in crayon of a dog and a rainbow. Inside the card, it read the words I'm sorry and another drawing of N and Z killing worker drones with sad faces. The worker drone strode the drawing for a second before smiling at the disassembly drones, "Oh it's okay! Just don't do it again! Get in here you goobs!" N and Z smiled at each other as the worker drone let the four of them in.

The group walked into a room that none of them had seen before. There were many files and metal containers. One of them had the same symbol that had replaced Uzi's eye on her vizor multiple times.

"Hey, isn't that your special eye?" Z pointed to the metal container with the engraved symbol.

Uzi swatted her hand away, "Shut up! Don't call it that!" The other three turned away as Uzi kept talking, "Absolute solver program? This could be what is actually wrong with me... and what happened to my mom! I could actually-" N rapidly put a hand over her mouth. She looked at him annoyed at first but then saw what the rest of them were looking at. A human hand attached to a long robot arm started crawling towards them.

N shot a flare to where the arm was coming from. There was a loud noise and a bright red light which revealed a giant mix of different robotic parts twisting around each other. Uzi, N, and Z covered their mouths just before the hand grabbed Thad by the ankle, yanking him into the darkness as he screamed.

Uzi looked towards N and Z, "Chainsaw hands?" Instead of replying, they switched their hands into chainsaws.

The three of them ran down the hall trying to find where Thad was.

They entered a room to find what looked to be Thad under a suspicious blue light. Z started walking toward him, "Thad?" 

     Thad was standing under an ominous blue light and talking strangely... almost like his entire body was glitching. "Yes and hello, it's me, Tad. Can I get a location? ...I heard dentist's office! I'm Thad at the dentist's office. Come over here for your... teeth!" Thad said under the blue light, slightly glitching.

Nobody responded, instead N and Z looked at each other, seeing a hand and muffled noise slightly above the glitching Thad. Uzi kept staring but Z took out a ninja star and threw it above, Thad fell out of the ceiling.

"No fair! I want a frickin' ninja star!" Uzi wined before looking at Thad falling.

"Lifesavers, again. Thanks! Super invited to my shindig next weekend." He looked at the machine that had held him, "Cool kids only!" Then ran away.

"What's with the voice J?" Uzi asked confused.

"Oh. J is not here. We are trying to repair the host per our directive." The robotic voice said. It showed J's head.

"Wait, so you are a program!" Uzi realized.

"More like you are our cute puppets. It hurts our feelings you don't remember us." There was then a hologram of Uzi's mom smiling at her.

Z and N vanished suddenly, "Z? N? What with the mom hologram..?" Uzi looked around confused.

Just then Uzi's dad was in the hands of the program, "Now we will have to do something shocking."

"Woah! Hey! S-stop!" Uzi called desperately. The program ripped Khan in half as Uzi watched the oil pour out from his body.

"Bye. Bye. Dad." The voice said, drinking the oil out of the corpse.

"...What..." Uzi stands in shock as the solver tries to grab Uzi. N shoots the solver with a missile as it cries out.

"UZI! UZI SHOOT!" Z yelled.

"UZI SHOOT OR GIVE IT TO ME!" N cried, trying to help Uzi.

Uzi handed him the gun. It wasn't actually N, and it wasn't Z either, they were both holograms. "Ha. Ha. Pranked. Idiot. You big stupid." The robotic voice said as one of the many arms snapped the gun in half. "You are lucky. It is my snack time. Time to go into my mouth now."

Before the solver could eat Uzi, the real N and Z appeared and they started firing rapidly at the solver. Uzi was trying not to cry, "What... which parts of that were real...? The solver appears again trying to escape.

"Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck up on." Z stabs it, "Ow." Z starts stabbing it rapidly, "Ow- Ow- O-o-ow" Suddenly the solver turns into a mini black hole and starts floating away.

N tries to help Uzi up but she flinches and looks at him, her voice breaking, "W-what are you things?" She sounded horrified.

N and Z fly away as they see Khan walk up to Uzi with other worker drones. "U-Uzi? What are you doing in" He was cut off by Uzi hugging him tightly without speaking. Khan signals for the worker drones to move forward and investigate what happened.


N and Z were back at the landing pod. They both looked distraught and weren't talking. "Ok. I hate you two normally but why am I being punished?" V asked, looking at the two. She looked down at the chain she was attached to, it had broken but she moved it back with her foot before turning away again.

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