Chapter 17

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I hope you guys like E's character, I'm still trying to decide on the hair color for Z, so let me know. The rest of her is going to bed red, like where N has yellow. (1332 words)

     N, Z, and E were all in the chairs that Eldritch Cyn sat them in. Eldritch Cyn had been trying to pick up the tools to erase their memories again. They can all hear screams of the humans being massacred. "Son of a... Come on... Solver of the absolute fabric, get a grip." She gives up and throws the table to the side, "Tantrum. Brain blast." She turns and looks at the basement door, "Oh, V. Could use some help in here." Eldritch Cyn opens the door to the basement letting her in.

V now tries to grab the tools and struggles. "Grab it. Just grab it. GRAB IT. Intimidating glare."

"Woah Cyn! For an eldritch... uh monster thingy-" N started.

"The solver of the Absolute Fabric, the void, the exponential end." Cyn interrupted.

"...Peep this...?" N used his teeth to grab V's glasses out of his pocket and put them over her eyes, "I got you." E felt the burning in his chest again but it was worse this time. N... liked her, it was so obvious... Why did this hurt?! What was wrong with him?!

"N-N... who's side are you on?" Z asked as her arms were still tied up. Hers were tied tighter than the rest and it was hurting her as she struggled to break free. N ignored her as he heard V talking.

"...Gol...den... retrievers have..." V started to regain her consciousness.

"Gentle mouths, dude-" N smiled at V and blushed. E looked down, hurting.

Eldritch Cyn grabs V and pins her to the ceiling as she grunts, "Cute: false. Gross: true. Let's just delete your OS's then." She finally picks up the tools and holds them in front of the three drones. "Goodbye. 'Buddies'. Execute."

"N!" V shouts.

Eldritch Cyn goes to hit them with the tools but stops suddenly. "Wha-What-at i-is hap-pen-pen-pening?" Eldritch Cyn starts to get taken over. The person takes hacks in.

"U-ugh so-r-ry. My freaking dad's strea- WOAH!" The person accidentally hits the drones with the tool, "Uhhh... oops!" The person looked back at V realizing they were still holding her up. They drop V and N runs to help her up.

Z walks over to E, "Hey, you okay E?" He is still looking down, a little out of it.

"Y-yea... I'm fine..." E responds, and Z pulls him into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She said back to him.

Suddenly they get their present memories back, "Uzi?" Z and N ask in sync.

"Don't frickin' dox me!" Uzi looks away.

"Thanks," N said, smiling at her.

"You little narc! Get out of my head!" V yelled.

N, V, and Z woke up in Uzi's room as she giggled, spinning around in her chair. V looked up and threatened Uzi with chainsaw hands.

"...E..." Z said as she recalled her best friend and all of the memories with him.


N, Z, V, and Uzi walked outside to find Tessa, E, J, and a doll standing across from them. "Uhhhmmm..." V said as they all just stared at each other.

Z stood still in shock staring at E. Her best friend... she thought he was gone forever. Did he even remember her? Z began to tear up. "...E...?" She still didn't move. Before Z could speak again E ran up and pulled her into a tight hug. Z began to cry harder as she hugged him and E cried too as they were reunited.

"Z... I-I thought I lost you forever, I thought you were dead! Or gone! I just can't believe you're here." E responded as Z released him from the hug.

Z looked at E and his new murder drone body and laughed while still crying, "And you're still short as ever."

"Shut up Z!" He punched her hard.

"Missed you too idiot." She smiled at him. Seeing her best friend after so long was surreal. She loved E more than anyone else, even more than V and N. He was her best friend, he was the one person who truly cared, who truly loved her too.

"T-Tessa...?" N asked, staring at her. Tessa ran up to him and hugged him.

"N!" she squealed "You remember-" She started coughing and put her hands on her knees, "Tall, handsome... Air's toxic... Z!" Tessa spots Z and runs over to hug her. She hugs her but Z doesn't hug back and instead just stands still. "Not much of a hugger anymore I guess..." She chuckles nervously.

E looks over and sees Uzi standing beside N. "So N, Z, who is this little-" Uzi bites down on his finger. "Oh, it's feisty too."

"It?! Do I look like an 'It'?!" Uzi yelled at E.

"Do you really want me to answer that...?" E says as Z tries to hold in her laugh.

"V, I trusted you to keep these two out of trouble." Tessa points at N and Z.

The two of them rub the back of their necks and V just rolls her eyes. "I tried. You know how difficult it is for these problems to do something idiotic." Tessa just sighed.

Uzi looks back at Tessa. "Why are you here human?" Uzi glanced back at J who was behind her, "Real tired of killing this one."

"Effective drones were cloned more." J flipped one of her pigtails over her shoulder.

N starts laughing, "It is you!"

"Classic J." V smiled slightly while Z just rolled her eyes.

"Cyn disappeared on earth-" Tessa said but was cut off by J.

"Boss ran away," J said.

Tessa looked at J annoyed, "We mutually disengaged. Her last known act was siccing you a lot on the human exo-planets." Z didn't know what it was but Tessa was just... different... Z loved Tessa, especially in her memories and her younger self, but she wasn't herself. Z didn't like her, or trust her, not anymore...

"Why?" N asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo." J said, which makes E think about his crush on N. E had called him a bozo once when he liked him. He tried to forget about that but just couldn't. E had a weird, almost disgusted look on his face as he tried again to forget again.

Without any warning, Doll uses her solver to grab the robo-bug off of Tessa's head and into her own hands before taking off. "That's... kind of a big piece," Tessa says.

Tessa, J, and E start running after Doll and firing, trying to get the robo-bug back. Doll runs from them and jumps down a large shaft. "Well, that's just perfect." E says sarcastically. Uzi, Z, N, and V catch up to them.

"J. Relay hand, Cyn's orders." Tessa barks at J.

She pulls up a screen of instructions on her vizor and begins to read them. "Step one: Clear the drop zone of life and construct the spire. Step two-" Tessa annoyingly interrupts her.

"Enter labs with this symbol." Tessa tears down a large paper to reveal a poster behind it. It reads 'CABIN FEVER' "Not much to go off of but if Cyn wants these labs, we burn them down. That key-bug's our way in. J, E, mind my ship." Tessa says as she walks to the edge of the shaft and throws the keys to J.

J looks at N and Z a bit uncertain, "... Of course, boss." She flies off.

"No." E said while looking at Tessa. "I'm staying with Z, I don't care what you say." Tessa scoffs slightly before responding.

"Fine." She says flatly. Now Z REALLY didn't like Tessa.

Tessa turns around to walk but is blocked by Uzi looking up at her. "Why involve Doll? What's happening to... her?"

"She reckons the humans did something to her folks down here. Gave them a sickness she inherited." Tessa explained.

"...And...?" Z asked, worried about Uzi.

"I think she's right." Tessa turned to E, Z, V, and N. "Coming or what?" She jumps in leaving the rest of the group to question whether they would trust her or not.

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