Chapter 4

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AN: I hope you guys are enjoying this so far, please comment with any feedback or anything, I love comments. I'll be drawing Z soon so you can see what she looks like, but should she have black or white hair? Lmk!! (801 words)

V and J went into the area of the other drones and flung one named Thad backward. Lizzy and Doll rush to help him as J walks over. Khan looks just as terrified as before with Uzi, "So... They found our evacuation spot. But, if we build a quick door..."

Thad got up and spit out oil onto the ground, turning to Khan and the others. "Are you kidding me?! You're the WDF, right? Defend!" Khan and his friends, members of the Worker Drone Defence Force, backed off in more cowardice. "For real?" V arrives and impales Thad and pins him to the ground ready to kill him, but before she can, N, V, and Uzi show up.

"Hey!" Uzi called.

"Huh?" V whipped her head around.

"Put that conventionally attractive male down!" N was waving as Uzi yelled.

Z elbowed N, "Oh!" N paused, "Oh! Uh, J, you're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism."

"Nice!" Z called as they all fist-bumped each other.

"Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I right-size your existence!" J was ready to kill Z and N, it was clear.

"Okay, which one do each of you want?" Uzi asked.

"J, please." N pleaded.

"Too bad. Good luck. Z you go with him." Z nodded.

Battle commences and Uzi takes her pen, throws it into J's head, and leaves N and Z with V. She manages to knock Uzi down, yanks the pen out of her hair, and yells. "Damn the well-made quality assured durability of JCJensen's products! Huh?" Uzi gets back up and kicks J in her face, causing the pen to go back into her head.

Meanwhile, N and Z are fighting V. N tries firing from his gun, but hearts shoot out instead. "Ah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!" A rocket landed near him and Z, exploding.

"N!" Z fired a few times at V.

J gets up and knocks Uzi out while N and Z are fighting V with swords, N sees J walk up to Uzi. "UZI!" He gives Z a signal and she nods. "I'm so, so sorry. Have fun repressing this!"

He licks her sword, making her let down her guard. "EW! What the hell?!" Z used her foot to knock V's head, forcing her body into the ground.


"You've got a lot of cuts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight fact before, but your edgy spirit is just... so... painful...?!" J cuts her monologue short and looks down at her leg, which has been stabbed by her tail, "GAH! FOURTH! QUARTER! PROFITS! MOTHER OF COMPANY LEADERSHIP RETREATS!" She trips over a piece of rubble and falls over, allowing Uzi to point her railgun at her face.

"One more buzzword and I'll do it!"

"...Equity partnersh-" Uzi pulled the trigger. At the end of it all, J's entire top half has been obliterated. Uzi spits on the corpse, or what's even left of it. As the other drones come out of hiding to cheer for her, she falls over tiredly. N picks her up onto his shoulders while Z walks beside them, dragging V who she tied up in her own tail.

"Holy hell, Uzi, that was insane! And you guys too, uh..." Thad looks at Z and N confused.

"Huh? Oh! N! I'm an angsty rebellious disassembly drone, now." He put sunglasses on his vizor.

Z giggled, "I'm Z," They heard someone clearing their throat and looked back to see Khan. Uzi throws her wrench back at his feet.

"I brought the murder drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just freaking believing in me! That's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" Khan doesn't respond and Uzi is close to tears. She smacks herself in the head to regain her 'Edgy Levels' "I'll save you the trouble, Dad. I banish myself! Let's go, guys. Everyone here can bite me!" They all turn around and start to leave.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Uzi!" N smiles cheerfully.

"Shut up," Z and Uzi say in sync. They all take off. 


Uzi is out in the frozen wilderness, sitting on top of a car thinking to herself as the sun starts to rise. The wind whistles by calmly and Z starts speaking. 

"Hey, we'd join you if the sun didn't kill us."  

"Hope you're having important character growth or something, though!" N waved.

"Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth because we're coming for them...! (She laughs maniacally, her sanity completely vanished.

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