Chapter 20

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Sorry for putting a long chapter next to a short one 😭 (1289 words)

     Z and N watch Beau run to the room they were just in and realize they weren't there, then frantically run back to the other room and go in. Tessa was on a computer in one of the cubicles. "They have to be in there... right?" N asked Tessa while standing next to Z.

"Don't worry! We'll save V," Tessa said, pulling out two chairs for them to sit.

Z and N looked at each other and Z kicked the chairs out of the way. "And E. And Uzi." They both said sternly in sync.

Tessa didn't answer. She turned back around and continued typing on the computer until there was a bright yellow light coming from the monitor. "Wanna take a gander at earth N?" Tessa asked.

"No Tessa, we don't have time-" Z said before turning around and looking at the computer screen. There was a live feed from a satellite camera of Earth on the monitor, blown to pieces.


Beau is trying to spot N, Z, and Tessa on the monitors frantically. Alice shoves him out of the way. "They can't leave the office, idiot." She turns back to Uzi, "Can't get back in our rooms either." She pushes a button which opens a door. Slowly, robot raptors screech and run onto different areas of the office, disappearing and reappearing on separate cameras.

Uzi looks terrified, "Wait... What is that...?" Alice and Beau sit down at the cameras and Alice grabs a cup labeled, 'POPCORN' and begins to eat batteries out of it. One of the raptors disables the camera by biting it which only seems to entertain and distract her more. Uzi uses this as an opportunity to free herself.


E had just woken up in an office space, tied up by himself. He slowly opened his eyes looking around. He looked up to see a magnet on his head. "Ughhh did I take a shit ton of robot drugs or something?" The magnet made him loopy so he just closed his eyes again. He leaned against the wall, thinking to himself. 'Alone. Again. Of course, it's always ME who's alone.' He opens his eyes slightly to see a robotic cockroach scurry across the floor. He sighed and leaned his head back, recalling the time in the dump when Z had found him. 'So... So... Alone. Ugh, I sound weak, don't I? I'm not weak.' He suddenly switched his hands into blades slicing the bands off of him.

He stood up only to be met with a large robotic-dinosaur-looking thing. E stood in fear and neither of them moved. Suddenly E remembered what he had seen on the wall earlier, 'DON'T LOOK' He realized what it meant and closed his eyes as the raptor flashed a blue light at him. "Oh, what the fuck-" The raptor dashes at him and he slides under it barely escaping its grasp.

He runs and crouches behind another cubicle wall. He takes a moment to catch his breath and sighs in relief. It was quickly cut short by two other raptors. "Ohhhhh fuckkkk! WHY ME? WHY DO I ALWAYS GET INTO THESE SITUATIONS?!" He screamed while running from the raptors and dodging the light. E starts running down a hall and is met by 3 other raptors with now 6 chasing him. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTT!" He runs around a corner and is met with another two, "What the fuck?! WHY ARE THERE MORE?!"


N and Z were still staring in shock at the live feed of Earth. "We know it mutates in damaged AI. It took Cyn as a host, then it took everything. The humans here saw what was happening at home. They thought they could understand it." She shows a clip of Uzi's mom, Nori, on the monitor. She had yellow eyes and claws around her then the clip cut out. "All they did was spread it."

"Then Uzi... you can fix her, right? That's why you're here?" N asked Tessa. Z looked at him and shook her head, upset about what she knew would happen.

Tessa got up and took N's hand, looking into his eyes, but all he could see was a black helmet. "I'm here to find which drones were infected. When we get to the labs and find that list, I'm going to need you to choose the universe over one... little... drone, N. Before she's not herself anymore."

The words stung, Z could tell. N was on the verge of tears. Z went up to him about to hug him when a sentinel appeared in front of her trying to attack. One of the sentinels flashes N, paralyzing him. The raptor is about to go in for the kill at N until Tessa steps in the way.

"Hey, fella... Me, human, order you to be a nice dingo, please..." It tried to flash Tessa and stun her but realized it didn't work. The raptor looked at her, confused. Tessa held her hand up to the raptor. It stopped for a second before opening its mouth wide and biting Tessa in the arm.

'Serves her right.' Z thought to herself as she ducked back under the short office wall to avoid being flashed with the light from the raptors.

"BAD DINGO! BAD DINGO!" The raptor looks at Tessa's blood and its programing gets confused. It starts glitching and goes crazy before smashing its head into a wall and short-circuiting. Other raptors come out and repeatedly flash Tessa with the blue light. One of the lights manages to hit Z's eyes and disable her too. "SHIT!" Tessa had to get around these raptors and get Z and N through them too.


Alice was still watching through the monitor screens, enjoying it like it was a TV show. She went to throw another magnet into her mouth but it started floating. She turned around to see Beau floating in the air too and waving at her. Uzi had completely freed herself and was facing away from her. Alice turned in shock to look at the drone. Suddenly Uzi began to speak, but it wasn't her voice. Her eyes were yellow and one of her eyes had the Solver symbol on it.

"Oh, don't mind me," Uzi said in a robotic voice. It sounded EXACTLY like Cyn. V, who was turned away at the time, looked back terrified at Uzi, recognizing Cyn's voice and the horrors she had gone through.

Uzi uses the solver to destroy the buttons to the doors, leaving them wide open and letting the sentinels murder Alice and Beau.

Alice ran frantically over to the door trying to figure out another way to close them and avoid death. "BEAU HELP ME WITH THE-" She called, but it was too late. The sentinels were there. One flashed a blue light at her and she fell to the ground paralyzed. The raptors stomped into the room and over Alice, crushing her under their heavy robotic feet, and overall getting rid of her... for good.

Beau quickly runs over and frees V, only to get crushed by a sentinel in the process. A little drone risked his life to save V's, and she wasn't going to waste that opportunity. V runs over to Uzi's table but is quickly cornered by the raptors. They start flashing lights at V, trying to paralyze her. V covers her eyes and turns back. She decides to risk her life to save Uzi. Just as she opens her eyes to fight back, she realizes that all of the sentinels have already been beaten. She looks back at Uzi who was holding the solver symbol in her hand before falling unconscious. V puts Uzi on her shoulders and flies out of the room to find the others.

The Secret of the Solver (Canon ending)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin