Chapter 5

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(681 words)

     Z and N were wandering outside of the pod. They had been walking in silence for almost 5 minutes. Z didn't know what to talk about. "So... uhh N!" She had finally managed to say through a mind full of jumbled thoughts.

"Yeah Z?" and smiled at her calmly.

Shit, I don't know what to talk about! Why am I so awkward with him it isn't usually this way with us! Z thought before she knew what to say, "I- what do you think of Uzi?"

"Uzi is great! I think that with her help we can find the humans and get off of this planet!" N replied cheerfully.

"Yea..." Z's mind started to wander off.

"Z are you okay?" N put a hand on Z's shoulder, and Z flinched as N broke Z out of her state.

They had finally gotten to the landing pod. "Yeah, I'm fine," Z replied flatly.

"N, Z! I found something in here!" Uzi called. The two scurried inside.


V had been chained to the chair, Uzi was in the landing pod with her. Uzi looked at the mirror and a symbol showed on one of her eyes causing the mirror to shatter.

"Hmm... that's weird and concerning," V smirked at Uzi trying to get under her skin.

"Bite me. It's probably you weirdo's fault!" Uzi blurted nervously.

"I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" V smiled like an insane person but sat back in her chair once Z and N came down the ladder.

"What'd you find?" Z asked climbing down the ladder after N.

"Hey did you know that was a pilot's hat?" Uzi ignored Z's question to ask her own. She stood on a crate just to be tall enough to smack N on the head. Z found it funny but tried not to laugh.

N's face lit up, "I WAS THE PIOLET?! THAT'S AWESOME!! -I crashed the ship and ruined everything- Spaceship piolet, origin story!"

V hisses, then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of the bubble wand. Z started to space out again, she hadn't been thinking about the past much, and she didn't want to. Z didn't like struggling to remember even a simple thing. She couldn't remember who anyone was when she first landed here. It wasn't until a week later that she learned J and V's name. V could remember something. Z was sure of it, but she would never tell anyone.

"Z are you good?" Uzi asked Z.

"H-huh I- yea, I'm fine. What were we talking about?" Z fumbled, dismissing the question before.

"We were talking about murdering all humans idiot!" V answered annoyed before spinning back around on her chair and blowing more bubbles. Z found it... she didn't know what she found it but she just enjoyed V's personality.

"Right" Z looked a bit puzzled but didn't say anything else.

"...Speaking of piloting to Earth, we sure "murder all humans" is, uh, morality?" N elaborated on the topic more.

"The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like tried negotiating with my mom..."

"Or you missed the negotiations! The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory?" She lunged forward, being held back by the chains, "The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent?" V giggled.

Z pulled V back as N did the same with Uzi to make sure another fight didn't break out. "I'm with Uzi on this one. And the ONE memory I have of a human in my past... they were terrible." Z choked on her words, "I mean... uhh..."

"YOU REMEMBER SOMETHING?!" V sprung up but got yanked back down from the chain.

Z got a bit scared by V jumping up suddenly. "Umm... yea, just some human treating me like shit and yelling at me- But J was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, uh, who? And how?" Z said glancing at the broken screen.

"Quit complicating my murder plan." Uzi pouted. N tried to comfort her by gently patting her on the head, but Uzi slapped his hand away.

The Secret of the Solver (Canon ending)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant