Chapter 14

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(1454 words)

     Z and E had finally gotten to the mansion and had to sneak around the back. The entire time that they were walking to the mansion from the dump, Z felt like she was annoying E, she felt bad. The walk was mostly quiet aside from the occasional question about the drones there and Tessa. E seemed to be interested particularly in N... Z didn't know why.

There was a large bush that Z kept her wagon under. She took out the scraps and grabbed E's hand dragging him next to the wall crouching.

"Okay so... the thing is, Tessa's parents don't exactly love robots so we need to sneak in, I bet N is in the library so we can go through the window here."

"N? I'm going to meet N?" E asked, smiling.

"Yea! You'll love him!" Z explained.

"I'm sure..." E says slightly under his breath.

"Okay so I'll open the window and you crawl in BUT, be quiet," Z said while crouching at the window.

"Okay... but like-" E was cut off by Z.

"SHHHHHHH" Z interrupted.

"Ughhh fine. I'll be quiet." E responded in a whisper. E didn't want to admit it but he was starting to enjoy Z's company, though he still wasn't ready to completely trust her.

Z slowly opened the window and E quietly crawled in, needing a boost up since he was a bit shorter than Z. She giggled, "Haha, shorty" She said in a whisper.

"Shut up Z!" He scoffed.

Z handed him the scraps and then crawled in herself. N was sitting against a bookshelf with a book in his hands called '101 Dog Breeds'. N had always loved dogs so he had read almost every book about them in the library. He hadn't noticed them so he kept reading, "...are also known for having gentle mouths. Awww..! That's why they're good with kids!" N giggled.

E smiled at N, he didn't know why he was smiling he just... was? Z laughed a little which scared N, causing him to throw the book, "AAGHH! Z...?" Z waved at him a little before E walked out from behind her, waving at N and smiling.

"N, this is E. E this is N. He's like us, he was at the dump and I found him. You think Tessa will let him stay?" Z asked N.

"Probably," He turned towards E, "She's awesome!" N smiled at E and E just looked away feeling... weird...

"H-hi N..." E said, slightly embarrassed.

Just then there was a stomping noise and books started falling off the shelf, one hitting N in the head, "Ow!" he yelled. There was a trap door in the library and loud thudding, "Uhhhh... lets.. Go...." They all went out of the room to find E a butler outfit like N's.

"Here this one was made for N but didn't fit him, it might fit you?" Z said, handing the outfit to E. He put on the outfit which fit him perfectly.

They then walked out into the dining room where Cyn, another drone, was sitting at the bar. Cyn had a teacup which a robo-bug crawled into. She stabbed it with her tail, "Stab" Cyn had a more robotic voice and narrated everything she did. Z, E, and N enter the room. N was always Cyn's favorite, "You seem upset, big brother N. Perhaps you and Z would like to attend the gala with me? Light sip." She pours the tea down herself, missing her mouth entirely.

"Ah... I'm not sure we're inviting Cyn, plus we have a new drone to show Tessa." Z said as E walked out from behind again and waved at Cyn, she waved back while pushing her floppy head back upright.

"Wave," Cyn said.

"What's up with the freak...?" E asked in a whisper. Cyn stared directly at him, making him uneasy.

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