My birthday!

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I kicked off the covers as Tonks came running up the stairs with my Hogwarts letter.
"Morning beautiful" she said sarcastically in regards to my hair sticking up everywhere and the fact it was bright yellow (excitement)
"Let me see!" I squealed as she handed me my letter and I ripped it open.
"I'm going to Hogwarts!" I fist pumped the air while Tonks air-guitared.
"Come on let's go eat breakfast I'm starved. And Fix your hair yellow isn't your color" she said walking out of my room, I shook my hair out and let it fall brown and straight.

I slid down the handrail and almost tumbled right into Kingsley.
"Good morning all!" I said in a singy voice as everyone grumbled.
"They must've sent the wrong letter" uncle Moody said sipping his tea (he was my real uncle)
"Noo they did not I'm going to Hogwarts!" I jumped up and down while uncle Moody just grunted and Kingsley chuckled.
"Calm down Bailey. Sit down and eat we'll go to Diagon Alley today" Kingsley said in his slow voice, I nodded and ate 4 pancakes and a glass of pumpkin juice.
"Into Ollivander's" Tonks said cheerfully
"Ah Miss Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt. How good to see you all! And who might this be?" A old man with gray hair going everywhere asked.
"Hi I'm Bailey. Bailey Stone" I said to the old man
"She needs a wand Ollivander" uncle Moody said hurriedly
Ollivander handed me a long dark blue box and I pulled out the wand and gave it a wave, the desk fell to pieces. Kingsley fixed it quickly.
Seven boxes and seven waves later we found the one.
"You and Bailey go get fitted robes, Kingsley and I will go get the rest of the supplies" uncle Moody told Tonks. She nodded as we ducked into the robe shop. After about twenty-five minutes in line and a half-hour getting them fitted, we finally walked out.
Uncle Moody and Kingsley were holding bags and a cage with a beautiful barn owl in it.
"She's yours, what are you gonna name her?" Tonks asked from beside me.
"Hmmm Frivil" I said taking the cage from uncle Moody. I felt my feet lift off of the ground and seconds later be placed back down. Ugh I hate apparation! Frivil didn't seem to mind much though.
I went inside and set her free in my room. She flew in circles for a while and almost got knocked down by my ceiling fan.

Around 10 p.m. I heard Tonks' voice ring through the house (I lived with her and got visits from family regularly)
"Bailey, Dumbledore is here!" Tonks yelled and I ran downstairs into the sitting room to find Professor Dumbledore.
"Hi Professor" I waved and he gestured for me to follow him, I did so and he led me to a old burned down house.
"This was the house you lived in before your parents death"
"Why did you show me this?" I looked up at the man with a puzzled look resting on my face.
"Because your mother wanted me to give you this when you started Hogwarts. She knew witches and wizards and thought it'd help you" Dumbledore handed me a silver locket. Inside was a picture of her and on the other side was dad.
My hair turned blue and fell in my face.

When I arrived back home I saw Dumbledore apparate away. I walked inside and Tonks was already asleep so I decided to go to sleep myself. Goodnight.

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