The new me

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I entered the bathroom after getting some new clothes from my bag. Taking a look in the mirror I was horrified with what I saw.

My face covered in blood, my fangs poking out, eyes silver, hair black and silver. I closed my eyes focusing on my human form, hoping I would resume to normal.
When I opened my eyes I was in my vampire form. Usually after a blood moon I turned back, I had to consult Dumbledore as soon as possible.
There had to be a way to fix this. I pushed my thoughts aside and took a hot shower. Watching the mercury drain from the little cuts in my side, I didn't even notice how many tiny cuts there were from the brambles.

I stepped out and slipped on a silk nightgown with shorts underneath and tried my hair. I opened the door and steam drifted into the hallway.

Tiptoeing to Percy's room I began to feel very nervous. The door creaked open to reveal Percy pacing back and forth with his hands clasped behind his back.
"Percy" his head snapped up to look at me and a look of disappointment flashed into his eyes.
"Bailey..please sit and explain"
I sat down on his bed, Percy's eyes flashed from my eyes to my hair to my fangs.
"Well um. It's blood moon, I go into severe craving on blood moons, I had to get out of here as fast as possible so I didn't hurt you guys"
"And now what's with the new look?"
"This is my true vampire form. Usually I'd be back to normal..but I'm not sure what's going on, I'm going to write Dumbledore and ask him to explain"
" drank people's blood tonight?"
"Uh yeah. A few deer, and a man in a small cabin in the woods" when I said this Percy look mortified.
"I didn-" I tried to explain but he cut me off too quickly.
"Bailey shut up" Percy snapped at me, he's never spoken to me like that before.
"Perce I-"
"Bailey, you should come to bed, Percy is a little less understanding" Ginny said suddenly appearing at the doorway.
I nodded and left without a second thought. Once we were secluded in Ginny's room she sat me down on her bed and plopped down next to me.

"Now tell me what happened in the woods" Ginny's words came out like silk, I can tell she's worried.
"Well after I'd set dinner on the table, I sprinted out so I didn't hurt anyone. I sucked the blood of a few deer, and a man in a cottage" my voice cracked "I-I couldn't stop myself" I sobbed into my hands as she gave me a comforting hug.


Bailey you should come to bed, Percy is a little less understanding. Ginny's words haunt me, I didn't mean to snap at Bailey like that, but she's killed innocent things tonight, hell she's even killed a person.

I know it's not her fault, I know she was trying to protect what little family she has left. But she could've fought it off, right? Maybe it's like being under the Imperius curse..Merlin I don't know! She's going to be so mad at me now! She's going to avoid me at all costs! Any shot I had with her is out the window! I'm a freaking could I be that stupid, there were other ways I could've handled that.
I lay under my covers in the darkness of my unlit bedroom, I turned on my side and fell asleep with all of my questions buzzing around in my head.

°start dream°
"Yes my Lord" that voice was so familiar.
"Good. Now return to Hogwarts, make sure to hide you're Dark Mark, no one must know of this"
"Yes my Lord" then there was the loud crack of Apparating.
The scene fades into Hogsmead, a figure, a girl by the looks of it, walks up to the Three Broomsticks and sits down on a little stool in the back.

A few minutes later a man walks in, he is wearing a dark cloak much like the girl. The man sits down in front of the girl and leans in, putting something in her hand and whispering something that is barley audible.
"Yes I spoke with the Dark Lord only moments ago" the girl whispered.
"What did he say?" The man asked while learning back slightly.
"The deed is to be done tonight"
"Excellent! Take that Floo Power and go to the Ministry. Pay you're little friend a visit" the man stood and walked out not taking a second glance. The girl, looked at the small velvet pouch in her hand and walked out as well.

The girl's face still hasn't been shown but her voice is very familiar.
"The ministry!" The girl yelled as she was being engulfed by green flames.

She walked down several hallways and stopped in front of a office door with a sign that read office of Percy Weasley

She snatched the door open and pointed her wand at me. I threw my hands up in surrender as she pulled her hood back revealing silver eyes and silver black hair. She laughed at the shocked expression on my face.

"Long time no see Perce"
"The one and only"
"What are you doing here? Why do you have that look in you're eyes?"
"Whoa one at a time. I'm here to ask you a simple question"
"What might that be?"
"Wanna be a Death Eater?"
°End dream°

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