This isn't my home..

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Madame Maxime called in a girl from my new house to help me with my luggage and take me around the castle, showing me everything.

"Hi, I'm Daphnee Jades" the girl introduced herself, apparently she was in third year as well, she was very pretty. She had long black hair and dazzling blue-gray eyes, her lips had a natural pinkness about them that stood out on her almost porcelain complexion.
"I'm Bailey Stone"
She grabbed Frivil and Xperia's cages and I levitated my trunk.
"So you came from Hogwarts?" Daphnee asked once we were walking down the hallways.
"Was it nice there?"
"Absolutely brilliant! There are four houses; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. I was in Hufflepuff for loyalty. There's a lake called the Black Lake and a dangerous forest called the Forbidden Forest! It's great, some of the stairs move!" I said remembering my first time on a moving staircase.
"Sounds cool. What were the other houses traits?"
"Gryffindor is for the brave, their colors are crimson and gold, emblem is a lion, element is fire. Slytherin is for the ambitious, their colors are green and silver, emblem is a serpent, element is water. Ravenclaw is for the wise, colors are blue and bronze, emblem is a eagle, element is air. Hufflepuff is for the loyal, colors are yellow and black, emblem is a badger, element is earth"
"That all sounds so cool! I really want to go to Hogwarts someday!"
"I hope I can go day" I sighed remembering how torn up Riley was.
We closed in on a picture with a violin, paintbrush, dancer, and parchment painted on it.
"No matter how you are creative, we are everyone, no matter if we perform, paint, or write we are all creative" Daphnee said and the picture was torn into little hanging strips, Daphnee pushed them aside and stepped through the frame. I followed and watched as it put itself back together.
"Just remember that and you'll be able to get in the common room" Daphnee said noticing my confusion.
We walked up a set of spiral stairs leading up to a door with a handle in the center. Daphnee turned the handle and didn't push or pull, just turned it and it pushed itself open.

"This is the dorm you'll be sharing with me and Alexandria, you'll meet her later. That's you're bed over there. I'd start unpacking if I were you, lunch is in an hour. You and I don't have classes today, since I have to show you around"
I set my trunk down and pulled out the blue orchid Percy had given me three years ago. I set it down on the stand next to my bed and took out the picture frame.
First year was us looking at the clouds.
Second year was us having a snowball fight.
Third year...was us kissing. I smiled at the picture and a teardrop fell and hit the third year slot.

Daphnee sat next to me and noticed the pictures moving around showing how happy we were.

"How's that?"
"Percy Weasley, my best friend"
"There, it looks like you guys are more than friends" Daphnee said chuckling pointing at third year.
"That was yesterday..I told him I was leaving.." another tear hit it.
"It'll be alright, you'll see him again"
"I hope" I said putting the picture next to the flower.

She picked up my to go bag.
"This is heavy, what's in it?"
"The reason I'm in this house" I pulled out my cello, and she asked my to play it.

So I did. (Smooth criminal on cello)

She was absolutely amazed. When I'd finished I laid my cello down on it's side and packed it back in my to go bag.

"I think I'm in here for my writing talent, some of my stories are in various libraries" Daphnee shrugged.
"What about Alexandria?" I asked looking over to the bed closest to the door.
"Her art talent, that painting" she pointed to a painting of coy fish on the wall "she painted it"
The painting was beautiful, it looked like someone could easily reach in and touch the fish, if they didn't swim away first.

"Come on I'll show you around" Daphnee pulled me out into the hallway.

About three or four hours later we made it back to the dorm. I walked right over to my bed and flopped down. My legs were killing me!

Daphnee flopped down on her bed too, a girl with brown hair and green eyes walked over to my bed and sat down on the end of it.
"Hi I'm Alexandria Queen. You must be Bailey Stone" the girl said politely.
"Yes, I am. Pretty name by the way"
"Thanks. So how do you like Beauxbatons so far?"
"It's pretty..but everything is short and I'm a vampire so I need to stay covered"
"Ooh a vampire, very interesting" Alexandria said as interest sparked in her eyes.

~A week later~
"Daph, give me my bow!" I yelled running around the dorm chasing her for my bow (cello bow).
"Hahaha got you're rosin!" Alexandria laughed running opposite direction of Daphnee.
"Immobulus" I said and they both froze in place. I grabbed my bow and rosin then unfroze them had went down to dinner.

It's been a week since Bailey left, Riley just looks so unhappy. Edward is the only thing keeping her going.

I'm not allowed to write her, Fred and George said I just need to wait for her, that's just what I'm doing. Waiting, for her to come back to me.

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