12 years later

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"I'll miss you" I said kissing their foreheads.
"Ugh mum" Allegro whined
"Be glad, soon you'll be to big for that" Layla smiled.

Allegro and Ella are twelve now, Allegro is in Ravenclaw and Ella is in Gryffindor.

Layla is thirteen and in Hufflepuff, everyone knows who her mom is, and are horrified at that. Her different colored eyes have gotten her quite the attention. Professor McGonnagall knows she looks like uncle Moody, and knows thats why her middle name is Alastor.

"Mumma, um what if I happen to get made fun of.." Ella said looking at the ground. I kneeled down in front of her and placed a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.
"Why are you getting made fun of?"
"Because my middle name is Nymphadora...and it's funny"
"Do you know why you're name is Nymphadora?" She shook her head. "Because Nymphadora Tonks was the bravest woman I've ever known. She was a Metamorphmagus, Hufflepuff, and an auror. She died in the second wizarding war, her husband Remus Lupin was a werewolf, DADA teacher and a very generous man, thats why Allegro's middle name is Remus. Both of them meant very much to me. Uncle Kingsley knew them too"

"Why is Layla's middle name Alastor?"
I took a deep breath and looked up at Percy who closed his eyes and slowly nodded.
"Alastor Moody, was my first family, my uncle. He was a famous auror, filled Azkaban after the first war. This coat I always wear, it was his. He died a little before the second war. He died because a coward names Mundungus Fletcher disapparated and let him get hit by the killing curse. She looks just like uncle Moody, one dark brown eye one electric blue with blonde hair. I'll show you pictures this holiday, now go on" Ella hugged me around the neck and took off along with Allegro and Layla.

Percy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple. We watched the train leave and a silent tear slipped down my cheek.

"I knew I'd have to tell them about uncle Moody eventually..I was just hoping it'd be later" I said fiddling with the hem of coat uncle Moody left me, so many years ago.

Riley found a girl to marry and be with. They adopted a child, Chloe, she was tan with brown hair and green eyes, only two right now. They live down the road now, she married a muggle named Adressa Duncan who was fascinated with magic.

My greenhouse of magical creatures got rundown after all of the animals left. I let Mantice go but Xperia stayed. Xperia is my only magical creature left.

I laid down on the couch and Percy lifted my head and placed it on his lap, playing with my hair.

"Well..the residue is gone, the war is fully over, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, Fred and Angelina, Bill and Fleur...everyone's happy" that's all I said before falling asleep on Percy's lap.


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