Baby time!

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I was on a bed with a doctor looking..well down there, if you get where I'm going. My water broke about two minutes ago and I was now in St. Mungo's, the contractions were getting closer. Percy and I made up saying we we're both in the wrong (even though it was his fault) and he was now holding my hand standing next to me.

"Ok, it's ready. Push" the doctor said, I don't remember his name. I pushed and he just kept telling me to push. I was squeezing Percy's hand like my life depended on it. I knew it hurt, it had to. But this hurt so much worse.

Finally it was over, the doctor wrapped it up in a little pink blanket and handed it to me.
"It's a girl" I breathed.
"She looks like Moody"
"Yeah, she does. One brown eye one electric blue and blonde hair just like uncle Moody"
I held her out to Percy and he gladly cradled her.
"What're you going to name her?" The doctor asked from the other side of my bed.
"Layla Alastor Weasley" I looked at Percy and he nodded not looking away from her.

They helped me into a wheelchair and I held Layla in my arms and saw Tonks, uncle Moody, and Kingsley all in the waiting room. Uncle Moody walked over first and peered down at her.
"What's her name?" He asked wheeling me over to the others.
"Layla Alastor Weasley" uncle Moody looked at me in shock.
"You put my name in hers?"
"Yep, she looks just like you"
"Oh Bailey!" Tonks squealed.
"I've already talked to Percy and he said it'd be fine. Tonks, Kingsley would you like to be Layla's godmother and godfather?"
"Yes!" Tonks squealed again
"I don't see why not" Kingsley smiled.
"You know you'll have to find a babysitter for her right?" Uncle Moody asked me glancing down at Layla.
"I'm sure Mrs. Weasley would be more than happy. Hey can we go show everyone?"
"I'm not going" Percy said holding his hands up in defense.
"Sure" uncle Moody nodded
"Percy you head back home and set up her room, please" I asked batting my eyelashes, he nodded and kissed Layla's head and gave me a quick peck on the lips, apparating home.
"Doc can we apparate with a newborn?" Kingsley asked a nearby doctor who nodded.

I stood slowly and apparated to the Burrow. The twins left school early and were staying at the Burrow until they found a plot of land for their joke shop.

Mrs. Weasley walked in when she heard the loud crack. She saw the bundle in my arms and gasped.

"Oh dear! What's her name?"
"Layla Alastor Weasley. Can you call the twins down? I'll show Ginny and Ron this holiday"
"Boys!" Mrs. Weasley yelled and Layla woke up stretching and opening her eyes. Footsteps thundered down the stairs, Fred and George stopped dead in their tracks noticing the pink blanket.

They crept over and looked at her, when she saw them her eyes widened and she laughed.
"Layla Alastor Weasley" Mrs. Weasley said before they could ask.
"She's adorable" Fred said softly poking her stomach making her giggle.
"Already full of laughs" George cooed.
"Mrs. Weasley, if it isn't too much trouble, could you watch her while I work?"
"Oh it's no trouble at all, I love children"
"Thank you, I'll drop her off before I leave for work"
"Why didn't Percy come?" She asked, I'd been waiting for her to ask this.
"He's setting up her room for when we come home"
"Alright" Mrs. Weasley sighed, I know Percy not speaking to her is driving her crazy, but he's just to stubborn.

I apparated back home to see Percy on the couch asleep. I smiled and rolled my eyes carrying Layla up to her room, which I have painted spring green with a little picket fence and some little birds hanging everywhere.

I laid her down and she gently stirred, I sat down in the rocking chair singing Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold, softly to her (no not the best song to sing to a baby, but of well).

I fell asleep in the rocking chair on accident and woke up to her crying. Immediately I sprang from the chair and cradled her in my arms, gently rocking back and forth in the rocking chair.

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