Eventful summer

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"Ron give me my sweater back you git!" I yelled running around the Burrow chasing him.
"Nope!" Ron called running outside.
"Mrs. Weasley! Ron is outside and took my sweater!" I whine
I look at him smirking counting down from three on my fingers
"Ronald Weasley! You give her, her sweater back right now, she could die!" Mrs. Weasley yelled from the kitchen
Ron held out his hand making an alligator mouth and made it talk but didn't move otherwise.
"He's mocking you!" I yelled
"What" Ron tossed me my sweater and ran from his mother.
I walked up to Percy's room after putting my sweater in Ginny's room.
"Ooh writing you're girlfriend?" I questioned laying down on his bed.
"No. My girlfriend is laying on my bed, I'm writing you're uncle because you asked me too"
A whip sound came from the hallway.
"Thanks Georgie!"
"What was that?" Percy asked giving the letter to Frivil.
"You're whipped" I laughed
"Oh please" Percy rolled his eyes.

Percy laid down next to me and I laid my head on his chest and was almost asleep when I felt a sharp pain run up my elbow.
I immediately sat up and hissed closing the blinds.
"You alright, princess?" Percy smirked, he knew I blushed when he called me that, this time was no different.
"Yeah" I replied laying back down curled up next to him.

I opened my eyes to a light tapping on the window. I sat up careful not to wake Percy (which was very hard because his arms were wrapped around my waist) and peered out of the blinds to see it was dark outside and Frivil clutching a letter in her talons.

I opened the window and she flew in dropping the letter on Percy's desk. Frivil proceeded into her open cage and fell asleep.

Dear Bailey
I'd like to make you an offer. I've already spoken to professor Dumbledore about it, I'd like you to skip you're last year at Hogwarts and do you're auror training. You don't have too if you don't want to. But I remember when you were little saying you wanted to be an auror like uncle Moody. The trace would be removed early so you can cast spells outside of school. You took you're O.W.L.s and got all O's but one E in DADA. You were already at N.E.W.T level in pretty much everything except DADA. Dumbledore said it'd be perfectly alright for you to do auror training.
Love, uncle Moody

"Percy wake up!" I yelled, he sat straight up.
"What's going on?" He said looking around frantically.
"Read this"
"Ugh, baby I don't want to I'm tired"
"Please Perce, please. I'll go back to bed after you read it and tell me what you think"
"Promise" I nodded
He took the paper and read over it carefully. I watched as his eyes scanned the words. Once he was done he slowly looked up at me.
"You know how dangerous being an auror is right?" Percy asked with concern in his eyes as he put the back on the desk.
"Yes, I've lived with auror's my whole life!"
"Do you want to?"
"Yes it's been my dream"
"Go for it, but be careful"
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I said hugging him around the neck he chuckled into my hair.
I quickly wrote uncle Moody saying I'd love too, byt didn't send it's because Frivil needs sleep.

I laid down next to Percy like I was before and he held me close to him. Gently playing with my hair.
"Hey Bailey"
"I love you"
He loves me..
"I-I love you too"
"You don't have to say it if you're not ready"
"No I am"
I felt him nod then he kissed the top of my head. Eventually I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat, knowing he was mine, I'd finally found the one I've wanted my whole life. He was mine now.

The next morning, I woke up alone. Percy was downstairs i'd assume.

I quickly got dressed trying not to show skin and proceeded downstairs.

I stop dead in my tracks noticing uncle Moody sitting at the table. He quickly stands up as I run to him, tackling him in a hug.
"Come on now, it hasn't been that long" uncle Moody said petting my hair.
"Five years" I said pulling away.
"Ok that is a pretty long time" uncle Moody chuckled.
"I missed you soo much!"
"You've gotten so big"
"Awww look Perce you're girlfriend is a big softie!" George called from the couch
"Silenceo!" I hissed pointing my wand at George.
"Girlfriend?" Uncle Moody looked at me questioningly
"I uh, I'll go get my trunk" I sprinted upstairs grabbing my trunk but purposely taking forever.

"You're dating Bailey?" Moody shot me a glare
"Uh, yes sir" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"For how long?"
"I believe this is two months now sir"
"Do you like her?"
"Very much"
"Will you hurt her?"
"Not intentionally no"
"Thoughts on her being an auror?"
"It's dangerous, but if it makes her happy"
"Alastor leave the boy alone!" Mum snapped causing me to slightly jump.
"Bailey come on before I kill you're little boyfriend here!" Moody shouted up the stairs, I swallowed hard.

"Bailey come on before I kill you're little boyfriend here!" Uncle Moody called, I hurriedly levitated my stuff and started down the stairs.

Xperia was on my trunk and Frivil was on my shoulder. Once at the ground floor, I glanced at Percy who was flush against a wall practically shaking.

"Let's get this going, you've got lots of training to do" uncle Moody apparated home with my trunk and pets so I took this time to quickly hug Percy.

I grabbed uncle Moody's arm and we apparated home.
"Training starts in an hour, Tonks and Kingsley will be here" uncle Moody said retreating upstairs to his room.

"Alright Bailey, run off into the woods and pretend we're the snatchers, do whatever it takes to get away. Spells can be used. You've got a minute get in there and hide as best you can. GO!" And the training begins.

Family before all [Percy Weasley love story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora