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Layla refuses to sleep in her bed, it's been like this ever since Bailey was taken.

I heard a loud crash from downstairs. Gripping my wand I slowly stood up and made my way behind the door. Layla laid fast asleep, I never took my eyes off of her.

"Percy?" A hoarse voice said from the doorway, I took a deep breath and moved from behind the door.
"Bailey?" I turned on the hallway light and she gave a weak smile, I tackled her in a hug, she winced and pulled away.
"What's wrong?" I asked after she pulled back
"I haven't eaten in 4 days, haven't showered at all, I'm gross, I have a hugh gash on my side from Greyback and they branded me"
"Well...go take a shower and I'll make you some food" she nodded and set off into the bathroom.

I made pancakes, sausage, bacon, and these smoothie things she likes. After about thirty minutes she entered the kitchen wearing one of my sweaters and yoga pants. Her lips were cracked and blue, dark circles ringed her eyes, she was shaking.
"I assumed you healed you're wound?" I asked setting the plate down in front of her.
"No I was hoping you could..." she trailed off fiddling with her fingers.
"Ok, let me see it"
She lifted up the right of my sweater to reveal a long thin gash on her side, the mercury had dried to create a hard almost metal scab. The cut was about three feet long stretching from her side to her spine.

"Consenesco" I whispered, she winced and tightened her grip on the sweater. The mercury scab fell away and the skin grew over the wound.
"It'll leave a scar..but it's fine otherwise" I said pulling the sweater down over it.
"Thanks" she huffed sitting down at the dinner table eating.
"So how bad was it?" I asked sitting across from her sipping a cup of tea.
"Dreadful. I was in a dungeon all the time. Voldemort would call me in and use the Cruciatus Curse on me at least four times a day asking if I knew about Harry. Then he'd force me to take Veritaserum to make sure I wasn't lying. The last 4 days they didn't feed me. I think around the third week they put the Dark Mark on me. Saying I had to come when called..I'm not particularly worried seeing as I have a plan for this. But I do hate it, I feel like I've betrayed the Order and Dumbledore along with uncle Moody and the ministry"
"So how'd you escape?"
"I'm not sure...I woke up in the middle of a field and transformed then flew here" she shrugged pushing the plate and glass forward.

"Well do you think we sh-" Percy was cut off by a loud cry upstairs.
"She does this every night since you've been gone" Percy said heading upstairs, I followed very close behind.

He sat on the bed and held her.

I sat next to him. When she saw me her face lit up, she reached for me. When I held her she immediately gave me a hug, I couldn't help but cry of happiness.

Percy smiled at rubbed my back sympathetically.
"How long was I gone?"
"Seven months"
"Seven months!"
"Yep. She's learned to roll , sit up, and stand with support, all by herself. Hasn't learned to talk just makes random noises and babbles to herself sometimes"
I gave a weak smile and carried Layla to her room. Slightly bouncing her in my arms and humming softly.

Percy stood at the doorway as I kissed her forehead and put her in her crib. She stirred slightly but rolled over and fell asleep.

"I'm tired" I yawned climbing in bed pulling the covers over me. Percy laid down and wrapped his arms around me.
"What's tomorrow?" I asked feeling rather exhausted
"So you don't have to work?"
"Ok, tomorrow morning I'm taking Layla to see the Order. Have you talked to uncle Moody?"
"Well...we had it out a few months ago. But since then we've been fine"
"That's good...goodnight Perce"
"Goodnight princess" again I blushed at that nickname. What the hell! Why do I always do that?! With that thought I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up at eleven! I've slept half the day away! Oh well, I walked downstairs to see Layla standing while holding onto the arm of the couch and Percy sitting on the couch holding a cup of coffee.

I snuck up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders, he jumped and almost spilled his coffee.
"Not funny"
Layla is laughing like crazy and clapping her hands.
"Layla through it was" I said sitting on the floor next to her.
"I spilled my coffee and she laughed, she thinks everything's funny" Percy chuckled at her expression.
"You look like uncle Moody but act just like you're momma...that's not good" I chuckled taking her hands and clapping them making her giggle.
"Wanna go see aunt Tonks and uncle Moody and uncle Kingsley?" I asked Layla.
"Es" she responded. I looked at Percy his face spelled shock.
"She just..." he trailed off smiling

Layla looked from me to Percy very confused. I picked her up and kissed Percy's forehead and let Layla give him a kiss too.
"I'll be back soon" then I apparated.

When I opened the door Tonks had her wand pointed at my throat and I was against the wall.
"What's Bailey Stone's daughter's full name and why?" Tonks asked, a crazed look in her eyes.
"Layla Alastor Weasley. Because she looks just like uncle Moody" Tonks moved her wand and gave me a bone crushing hug, Layla giggled as her hair changed color. Tonks took Layla as I walked in the kitchen.

All eyes landed on me. Uncle Moody rushed over and pushed me against the wall with his wand digging into my throat. I winced and Layla started crying.
"Mad-eye I already checked her!" Tonks yelled over Layla's screams.
"Alastor let the girl go!" Remus yelled grabbing uncle Moody's shoulder, uncle Moody shrugged him off.
"If you're Bailey what's you're Boggart?!" Uncle Moody yelled furiously at me.
"For my non blood family to leave me" I said calmly, he dropped his wand and gave me a bone crushing hug.

When he let go I took Layla from Tonks and got her to stop screaming. When I set her down she glared at uncle Moody and went about exploring.

"Tell us everything" Tonks said sitting down.
"Well. I'm not exactly sure where I was but it was huge. I was kept in a dungeon, chained to the floor. I was called into a room with Voldemort at least four times a day. He'd use the Cruciatus Curse on me forcing me to tell him everything I knew about Harry Potter, I've never even met the guy! Then he'd force me to take Veritaserum to make sure I wasn't lying. Around the third week of being there, I was branded with the Dark Mark. The last four days, they didn't bring me any food. I'm not entirely sure how I got out..but I woke up in a field and flew home"
"Is that all?" Kingsley asked gravely
"Greyback slashed my side, Percy healed it"
"Who did you see?" Uncle Moody laid the pictures in front of me.
"Greyback and Bellatrix..I think Antonin too"
"Did you ever see the outside of the building?"
"So if you've got the Dark Mark on you, how can we be sure you're not a Death Eater?" Uncle Moody asked coldly.
"Veritaserum" I shrugged
Kingsley tossed me a phail. I drank it and prepared for the questions.
"Who's side are you on?"
"What's you're full name?"
"Bailey Belle Stone"
"Ok, she's safe"

Uncle Moody tossed my wand to me.
"How'd you get this?"
"Found it searching the area" he shrugged, I nodded and pocketed the wand. Layla crawls in and smiles at me. I smile back and think about how awful it'd be for something to happen to her..
"Where's Sirius?" I asked looking around, they looked at each other.
"Dead. Bellatrix killed him" Remus said, tears brimming his eyes.
If Sirius is dead...then it's starting, their picking off the Order.

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