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"Time's table's!" Professor Sprout said bustling around the table at breakfast handing us all our times tables. Tonks was next to me and she peeked at mine and laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked Tonks after she'd calmed down a little
" Potions..with the Ravenclaws. You don't stand a chance. Then after that Flying with the Slytherins yeah have fun" Tonks burst into laughter again.
1st Potions (Ravenclaws)
2nd Flying (Slytherins)
3rd Herbology (Hufflepuffs)
4th Free period
5th History of Magic (Ravenclaws)
6th Transfiguration (Gryffindors)
7th Charms (Hufflepuffs)
8th Defence Against the Dark Arts (Slytherins)
Seems easy enough.

Once I had finished breakfast left the Great Hall and headed to Potions. I sat down at a seat not knowing anyone in the room. A girl sat down next to me and extended her hand she was also in Hufflepuff.
"Hi I'm Riley. Riley Pierce"
"I'm Bailey Stone" I said shaking the girls extended hand.
"Hey! Your a Metamorphmagus!" Riley said quite loudly
"Yes I am. How could you tell?"
"Your nails" I glanced down at my hands to see they were green (nervousness) now turning pink (happiness)
"Oh..I guess that's a reasonable answer" I said shrugging. The curtains closed and in came a tall man with large nose and greasy black hair wearing all black who I assumed was the professor.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few... Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." The Professor who Riley told me was Snape said in a very monotone voice.
I raised my hand very high and he glared at me before calling on me.
"Hi Professor Snape! I look forward to making various potions in your class it seems very interesting already" I smiled
"5 points from Hufflepuff for Miss. Stone being to bubbly about a serious matter. Now if you'll open your books to where it says cure for boils"
Riley looked at me with shock swimming in her eyes.
"He can't do that" she whispered to me.
"10 points from Hufflepuff for talking without permission" Snape said with a sinister smirk plastered on his face.
Onto Flying.
"Put your right hand out and say up but say it with feeling" Madame Hooch ordered.
"Up!" I said as the broom flew into my hand. Madame Hooch looked at me, very intrigued.
Everyone else was on their third or fourth attempt by now.
"Miss Stone can you go around and help people who seem to be having difficulty"
Everyone I tried to help refused it. Stupid Slytherins and their ambition.
"Back off Mudblood" a Slytherin girl said as she glared at me.
I felt my eyes well up with tears. Madame Hooch had sentenced her to detention with her after classes were finished, and let me take the rest of the period off seeing as that is very offensive to a muggle-born.

I briskly walked away back through the halls. I'd let my tears fall now and I slammed straight into a Gryffindor boy, the one I was on the boat with.
"Sorry" I mumbled before walking away, he chased after me.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked once he had stepped in front of me to block my path.
"A Slytherin girl called me a m-m-mud-Mudblood" it pained me to say the wretched word.
I watched as his expression softened.
"I'm Percy Weasley" he said with an out stretched hand.
"Bailey Stone"
My hair and nails turned a very very dark blue and my hair straightened it's self.
"If your a muggle-born how are you a Metamorphmagus?" Percy asked looking at my hair.
"I'm not uncle is a wizard so maybe somewhere in the mix there's a Metamorphmagus"
"Who's your uncle?"
"Alastor Moody"
"The Alastor Moody, the famous auror?" Percy asked, his eyes were wide with shock.
As soon as I said that, the same Slytherin girl walked by and glared at us.
"Blood traitor and a Mudblood, hm must be a full moon" my hair flamed red, my nails grew long and pointy, and I pulled out my wand. I pointed my wand at her as she walked away.
"Say it again I dare you" I said taking my stance while Percy stood stiff as a board next to me.
She slowly turned around to face me and pulled out her wand as well.
"Blood traitor and a Mudblood, must be a full moon" she said slower this time.
"Stupefy!" I yelled it hit her and she fell to the floor.
"Don't. Mess. With. The. Hufflepuff" I said as I nodded to Percy and walked to the greenhouse for Herbology.
I walked in and Everyone looked at me. My hair and nails were starting to lighten up and I took my spot next to Riley.
"I don't see how anyone could enjoy this subject it's so boring" I whispered to Riley once the lesson had begun.
"Who lost 15 house points already?!" Professor Sprout screeched
"I did Professor.." I said raising my hand
"In potions..I raised my hand and told Professor Snape I was excited about potion making and he said I was to bubbly" Riley opened her mouth to add something to the conversation but I stepped on her foot to shut her up.
"That man needs to accept that some people are happy!" Professor Sprout stamped her foot in frustration.
I discovered Hufflepuff Herbology talent doesn't apply to me. I suck at Herbology, i'm awful I couldn't tell you the difference between wormwood and dried nettles!

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