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I was sitting at breakfast, at Hufflepuff table since classes had started back. I hadn't seen Riley.

I sat down in my seat at Potions. Moments later Riley sat down next to me smiling with her arms open.

"How was holiday?" I asked her before Snape entered class.
"Pretty good, sat around most of the time. Yours?"
"Amazing actually, next holiday I stay, you have to, Percy and I did a bunch!"
"You'll have to tell me about it all later, here comes Mr. Hate" Riley and I gave Professor Snape the nickname Mr. Hate, never to his face of course.

The day went by surprisingly fast, Riley and I had our free period before we knew it.

We sat in our dorms and I showed her Xperia and the orchid Percy gave me.
"Soo he gave you a flower for Christmas.." Riley said while playing with Xperia, who could now fly and was fully feathered.
"I think someone likes you" Riley sang and shot me a wink. I laughed loudly at this.
"Ok ok, first no second Percy liking someone!" I burst into hysterics at that and fell off my bed, rolling on the floor still laughing.

Riley rolled her eyes and set Xperia down. She stood over me with her hands on her hips. I had tears streaming down my face from laughing to hard.

"Bailey Belle Stone, stand up this instant!" Riley said sternly, I stopped laughing and quickly got to my feet.
"Go to class!" She pointed to the round door that led into the common room. I slowly nodded and left the dorm.

After classes I went back to my dorm. Riley was sitting on her bed reading. I sat next to her and whispered in her ear; "we're sneaking out tonight"
"Are you crazy! We'll get caught" Riley whisper yelled.
"No we won't, just trust me"
"We're going to get cau-"
"No we won't. Trust me" I finally convinced Riley.

After our little chat that headed to the library to do Transfiguration homework. On the walk there a Gryffindor girl stopped me in the hallway. She was one of those girls that make their skirts short after really short, with the annoying pigtails, and chewing gum loudly. Yeah one of those, Angel Clearwater (fake character, Penelopes sister).

"Hey lesbian" Angel made a L shape with her fingers.
"Angel why do you have to tease me? At least I don't show my ass to the whole school. You're eleven, there's nothing to show"
"At least I'm not lesbian, it's un-natural"
"At least I don't stand with my legs spread, waiting for some guy to run through them" I smirked, Angel opened her mouth to protest but the Fat Fair appeared behind me, scaring her horribly, she turned and ran off. I turned to the Fat Fair and nodded he smiled in return.

I continued on my way to the library. Why does she do that? Everyone pretty much knows I'm lesbian, no one cares except her, well Bailey doesn't know..I have to tell her eventually..
I grabbed a book on the subjects I needed and sat down, scribbling away on my parchment.

An hour later I finished every essay that needed to be written. I gathered all of my belongings and headed for the common room. What did I see on my way past the courtyard?

Percy and Bailey sitting on a bench reading out of an Astronomy book. I stood firmly planted in my spot. Percy wasn't even looking at his book, he was looking at Bailey. She had her head stuck in that book and didn't notice. Then she started thinking hard about something, her eyebrows furrowed and she bit the tip of her nail. Percy smiled at this and tried to hide it.
I smiled at the two and continued to the common room. I'd let Percy tell her, she didn't seem to believe me.

Bailey and I sat on a bench in the courtyard studying Astronomy. That was my struggle subject, Bailey didn't even take the class and knew more than I did!

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