Tears on the soil

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I sat up in bed and thought about the dream I'd just had. All of the Death Eaters have been caught and have life in Azkaban, so there's no chance of Bailey becoming one.

I put on normal clothes and set off down the stairs.

Ginny was sitting on the couch and Bailey was next to her reading. No one acknowledged me when I said "good morning" so I entered the kitchen to see mum with her hands on her hips scolding me.

"G'morning mum" I chirped, knowing I was in trouble for something.
"Percy Ignatius Weasley!" Mum screeched not taking her eyes off of me.
"How dare you treat Bailey like that! She doesn't have a choice you know!"
"Mum she killed a man and some helpless deer! She's a monster!" My voice rising and as soon as the last word left my mouth I knew I screwed it up again.
Mum's mouth dropped open as she glared at me warning me I'd be getting a row when Bailey leaves for something.

She's a monster! Monster! Monster!
The words played over in my head and my eyes welled up with tears.
I walked into the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley had her mouth open and her hands on her hips. The tears spilled over and Percy looked at me in disbelief.

"Mrs. Weasley" my voice cracked through the tears "I'm going to go for a walk"
"It's pouring!"
"Yes, well I need to clear my head..I've got a lot on my mind"
"Alright but I expect you back before it gets dark"
"Yes mam"
"Bailey I'm sorry" Percy apologized half-heartedly if I might add. I looked him dead in the eyes and with no hesitation punched him in the jaw.
"Sorry bout that Mrs. Weasley" I apologized without looking at her.
"It's alright, it's not broken"
"Bailey you have to understand I didn't mean to call you a monster or snap at you last night! I just didn't know how to react to you being a vampire" Percy looked at me holding his jaw where I punched him.
"Find a better excuse, you've known for a while" that's the last thing I said before opening the door and walking out into the pouring rain.

I walked out into the forest and let the rain drops soak me. She's a monster! The title I'd been given my whole life is finally coming back, oh joy.

Mum and Percy are really having it out. Percy keeps saying how he didn't mean it, mum is screaming. Eventually I got tired of being so close to it, so I retreated to Ron's room.

He was just getting up when I walked in.

"What are they on about?" Ron asked yawning once I sat down on the floor next to his bed.
"Percy called Bailey a monster because she's a vampire and Bailey ran out into the pouring rain crying. But she punched Percy in the jaw before she left"
"Hm, some friend he is" Ron rolled his eyes.
"If you want breakfast you're going to have to make you're way through them"
"I'm hungry, but I think I can wait"
"Wise choice"
Ron and I sat down and played wizards chess for what seems like hours until they were finally done. Ron rushed down stairs and started eating as soon as Percy's footsteps thundered up the steps to his room.

my jaw is killing me
I thought to myself as it started to throb. I really do feel awful for calling Bailey a monster, I know it's what she hates most but it slipped out. I hope she's alright. Who the hell am I kidding of course she's not alright.

I let out a frustrated sigh and looked out of the window, out into the pouring rain. I have to put my glasses on to see Bailey standing there in the forest, twirling her wand between her fingers like she does when she's concentrating really hard on a spell.

I ran into uncle Moody's owl in the forest. Uncle Moody wants me to try and summon a patronus to tell the Weasley's I'm leaving. He wrote to tell me how, think of a happy memory and say Expecto Patronum can't be that hard right? WRONG!
The memory I'm using is when Percy and I were having Christmas at that tree we found.
Maybe it isn't working right now because I'm mad at him I thought while still thinking about the memory I should use.

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