It's finally time

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§Time skip§
I'm in sixth year in Beauxbatons, I absolutely love it! Alexandria and Daphnee are my best friends ever! I have one more year then I won't ever see them again! I've been writing uncle Moody a bunch! He said I've got to go back to Hogwarts, but all of my friends are here. Sure I miss Percy and Riley, but what about Alex and Daph! This sucks, but I reluctant pack my trunk. I put the picture of Percy and I away a long time ago, I didn't want to be reminded of what I left behind.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said giving Alexandria a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you too" she returned my hug, Daphnee came over and made it a trio hug.

I'm waiting in Madame Maxime's office. For professor Dumbledore to arrive as I hear the loud crack of apparation Madame Maxime gives me a nasty look before I disapparate, that lady never did like me.

I look at the castle standing before me, just like I remember it. It's February so snow is coating the ground and roofs.

"Welcome back miss. Stone" professor Dumbledore said nodding to me.
"Thanks professor"
"You're still in Hufflepuff, go by you're Beauxbatons schedule just to save trouble. I suggest you go find miss. Pierce and Mr. Weasley, the number of Weasley's at Hogwarts has increased dearly since you've been gone" Dumbledore chuckled, I levitated my trunk to Hufflepuff common room and up to sixth year dorm where I'd be staying.

The door opened and all heads snapped up to look at me. They all looked at me puzzled, even Riley. When I removed the hood from my sweater Riley tackled me.

"Bailey! You've grown so much you're so beautiful!"
"Calm down you sound like an old lady" I chuckled

She pulled away and told me to find Percy he'd be ecstatic. So I set off to find him.

About 30 minutes into the search I heard a table move inside a classroom. I peered in through the window to see Percy snogging some Ravenclaw girl. My heart shattered, I'd waited all this time..are you serious?

I saw a pair of glowing red eyes behind me and froze, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered to Penelope.
She nodded going pale. I walked outside into the hallway to see a frozen Bailey with tears running freely down her cheeks.
Another attack...and it was Bailey. Dumbledore said there'd be a Beauxbatons transfer coming but I never thought it'd be Bailey, she came back at the wrong time.

"Penelope help me carry her to the Hospital Wing" I said frantically, Penelope picked up her legs and I carried from her now stiff arms.

We made it to the Hospital Wing and I put Bailey down on a bed close to the door, all of the muggle borns..everywhere. I reluctantly walked back to the common room.

I sat on my bed and looked at the pictures of her and I. Two slots are empty, fourth and fifth year. Sixth had something in it, Bailey standing outside of the classroom Penelope and I were in, she kept turning away from the window and each time you could see fresh tears falling. A pang of guilt each time I saw the tears, she waited, I told myself I would but figured she was never coming back.

"She's been what!" I yelled furiously at what McGonnagall was telling me.
"Petrified dear petrified, it means-"
"I know what it means!" I snapped, McGonnagall looked at me in shock before giving a brief nod and walking away from the opening to Hufflepuff dorm.
She just got back. She can't be petrified...I thought as I climbed back through the barrel to Hufflepuff common room.

"How's the research?" I asked Ron and Hermione.
"Percy you aren't condoning this are you?" Hermione asked
"Yes! Someone close, or that was close to me got petrified" I hissed

¤A few months later¤
"Penelope and Hermione too!" I yelled jumping up from my spot on the couch
"Fraid so mate" Oliver patted me on the shoulder.
Hermione was the only hope! Ron could fight his way out of a paper bag and Harry is too concerned with his fame! We're doomed!

Plus word has just gotten to me that Ginny is in the chamber of secrets along with Ron and Harry! My brother and sister are going to die! Oh yeah and the famous Harry Potter too.

I'm pacing in front of the fire in the common room hoping they'll come back alright.

A few hours later a dinner I can't eat, I'm pushing my food around with my fork. The doors burst open and in runs Hermione. Ginny, Ron and Harry made it out alright but I've been worried about Bailey. Penelope woke up when I was in the Hospital Wing with her and broke up with me, I wasn't even upset.

Bailey casually walks in and a lot of the boy's stare, she's still in her Beauxbatons skirt which was now slightly torn making it shorter. I shifted uncomfortably restraining from telling them all to mind their own business. She looked at me and at Penelope.

She smiled at Penelope and walked over to me, kissing me causing the guys to turn back around. She pulled away walking to Hufflepuff table where Riley had her mouth open in surprise.

"What the hell was that" Riley said glancing back at Percy.
"Oh nothing" I smiled
"He has a girlfriend you know that right?"
"Penelope and I woke up at the same time I just pretend to be sleeping, she broke up with Percy because she realized she didn't really love him, so she gave me full permission to date him" I shrugged
"Are you dating?"
"Not yet...not yet"

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