Summer Break

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I sit in my room bored out of my mind. I'm at uncle Moody's now because Tonks isn't home most of the time she's on auror business.

"Bailey c'mon we're going to take you to the Burrow" Uncle Moody said through the door. I opened the door and gave him a questioning look.
"The Burrow is the Weasley's house. Now grab your to go bag and come on we haven't got much time, get Frivil too" I didn't question it, I grabbed my to go bag full of everything I'd need and Frivil along with Xperia who were both in their cages.
Uncle Moody took Frivil's cage and held out his hand.

We apparated to a house that had six floors on it and a little sign outside that said The Burrow. My surroundings were very peaceful, many trees, a pig pen, quite nice.
"Knock on the door tell them you're name, they're expecting you. I've got to go now, you'll remain here during the summer, send letters when ya can. Love ya Bailey"
"Love you too" but before I finished my sentence he apparated, leaving Frivil's cage on the ground.
I put my bag on my shoulder and carried everything to the front door and gently knocked a few times.
A short plump woman with red hair opened the door and gave me a suspicious look.
"I'm Bailey Stone, uncle Moody said you were expecting me?" It was a statement that came out as more of a question.
"Oh yes, do come in dear. Percy gave us the Christmas card's you'd written us. Beautiful thank you dear" the woman said hurrying me inside.

"FRED, GEORGE, RON, GINNY, PERCY! COME DOWN HERE!" Mrs. Weasley yelled and many footsteps came thundering down the stairs. Percy was last to arrive as he was walking instead of running. His eyes widened when he saw me and dashed forward to give me a hug.
"Everyone this is Bailey. That's Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron" Mrs. Weasley said pointing to them as she said their names.
All had bright red hair, Percy was the oldest of the group. I gave a slight smile and wave.

"Gee Perce, you're girlfriend is quite" Ron said from the group earning him a death glare from Percy.
"She isn't my girlfriend" Percy hissed, I hit his arm causing me to look at me in alarm.
"Be nice!"
"No wonder she's in Hufflepuff" Fred, or George said.
"Boy's leave her alone" Mrs. Weasley said "you'll be staying in Ginny's room" she smiled warmly at me and took my arm leading me around a corner to and through a door to her room.
"Thank you...but I have two pets it can get quite loud. Well Frivil can, Xperia is quite"
"That's alright, I love animals!" I smiled at her enthusiasm.
I set everything down and walked out of the room to sit awkwardly on the couch, everyone had gone back to their previous activities. I decided to join Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen.
"Do you need any help Mrs. Weasley?" I asked from the doorway.
"Oh no thank you dear"
"Can I talk to you about something important?"
"Of course dear"
"I'm a v-v-vampire..." Mrs. Weasley whirled around and looked at me in disbelief, I moved my shirt to show her the bite marks.
"That's fine everyone's different, just don't bite my children" she said turning back around to her cooking.
" could you tell me where Percy's room is please"
"He talks about you all the time you know..never shuts up. Second floor dear, first door on the left"
"Thank you"
I walked slowly up the stairs, it was cluttered, but it was cozy. I found the first door on the left and knocked.
I opened the door and Percy was sitting in a chair reading. Slowly I walked in and sat down on his bed.
"Hey Perce"
"Hey Bailey"
"Uh, what cha doin?"
"Reading" he said not looking up.
"Is there anything in particular you need?"
"No..just wanted someone to talk to that's my age..."
"Bailey that's not it at all. What's wrong?" Percy asked putting his book down and moving the chair closer to me.
"I told your mom I was a vampire..the look on her face...made me feel terrible, and the shaky tone in her voice made me feel like a monster" I felt my eyes brim with tears.
"Hey hey hey none of that now come on" Percy said in a very soft voice catching a stray tear with his pointer finger.
"You know who I see when I'm feeling blue?" I shook my head because I actually didn't know.
"Fred and George. Last door on the right. They'll make you feel better I guarantee. Oh and George has a mole on his neck, that's how you tell them apart"
I walked out quietly closing Percy's door.

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