You Don't

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Jacob POV

I could feel Nessie's body tense as we walk to her room. When we get to her brightly room she sits on her daybed. She pats the empty side next to her.

Rensmee: What's wrong

Jacob: Nothing

Renesmee searched my head then my face.

Renesmee: You don't want to go to school with me

Jacob: I do, I'm just... Scared something might happen

Renesmee: Nothing will happen

She hugged me and I felt a little more happy about this. I pull her from the hug and give her a kiss. She deepens the kiss by wrapping her hands around my neck pushing my lips closer to hers. We fall on the bed as her tongue grazes my lip.

Before I could stick my tongue in her mouth I felt a hard hand on my shoulder, the hand started to cursh my shoulder. I couldn't take the pain I pop up and let out a howl. Renesmee screams in the pain that radiated off of me.

Renesmee: Let him go dad!

Renesmee was screaming and Edward let me go. I could feel my bones going back into place and within seconds I was back to normal. I ran to Ness and hugged her against my chest.

Bella came to us and hugged us.

Bella: Edward?

She said it like a question.

Edward: They were kissing

Bella: That's what engaged couples do!

She looked at Edward and gave him a death stare. She released us then I let go of Ness.

Renesmee: We are going

She took me and dragged me down the stairs and then outside.


Writer's block but we got 200+ so thanks

Love you guys

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