Real Talk with Kayla

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Hey you guys... Please I know I'm such a horrible mom to you guys... But mommy has something to tell you.... Mommy got herself a boyfriend so he's really been taking my time up... I know I should be ashamed about this and I am but he really makes me happy.... I know I lost probably half of my fry army and I feel terrible... I truly love you guys with funny comments and loyal fries who deserve a award but I'm broke so..... But I'm gonna try and update soon...... I know you guys so if you wanna know more about him and me don't be afraid to ask me I'm not afraid to answer any questions...... You guys are part of my family so if you do have a question please tell me........ I love you guys so much I don't know how many times I can tell you!

On other notes we got to 15k reads! OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING! Bye fries love you guys!

His name is Erik {Pronounced Eric} I know you wanna know so go ahead and comment or message me! Love you byeeeeeeeeee

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